Canada will accede to U.S. request to share travel information on convicted child predators

Canada will accede to U.S. request to share travel information on convicted child predators

Ottawa plans to introduce legislation that would allow the federal government to routinely notify Washington when Canadians convicted of sexual offences against children travel to the U.S.

The Americans have beenpushingthe government for years to share travel information on convicted pedophiles as the U.S. has been doing since 2016. The issue has recently been discussed at the ministerial level of both governments.In August, U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas raised the request for reciprocity directly with Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino, who promised to see what could be done. The Americans want the ability to deny entry to such travellers.

In an interview, Mr. Mendicino said his department is looking at amending the Sex Offender Information Registration Act to give theRCMPand Canada Border Services Agency “greater flexibility so we can alert Americans to potential risks of child sexual offenders.”


13 thoughts on “Canada will accede to U.S. request to share travel information on convicted child predators

  • October 17, 2022

    We need to do something about the problem of Canadian sex convicts who view the US as an easy place to re-offend.

    Seriously, do we know of even one case of a Canadian convicted sex offender re-offending in the United States? Even ONE?

    ONE crime that this measure would have prevented?

  • October 17, 2022

    Does Canada allow ” ex sex offenders” to enter Canada? Has there been a case where an American entering Canada has committed a second sex offense there?

    • October 18, 2022

      They don’t accept any immigration on individuals with a felony offense. So, needless to say, the answer is no. Found this out the hard way 15 years ago when I tried to move there – right before things got really bad here.

      • October 18, 2022

        You can petition for rehabilitation. Since it’s been 15 years, you have a good chance.

        • October 18, 2022

          What type of lawyer could do that? Id like to try to get off here as ive qualified for the 20year thing and im off on my homestate but would like to visit canada again as i seemingly cant go to mexico

          • October 18, 2022

            Related question. Does Florida still apply the 20 year after sanctions rule to old convictions? I remeber when they partially adopted the AWA, the word was that it was now 25 years for everyone. Also, is the AWA rule for Federal pruposes 25 years from date of conmviction, relesase from prison or end of probation? Ia have heard that it is from conviction or release from prison whichever is later, but I want to know for sure. THAT is what keeps us from traveling freely. Another question would be if you are a 25 year registrant under AWA and technically a lifetime registrant in Florida with the opportunity to be removed, are you a lifetime registrant for Federal purposes like public housing, International Megans Law, etc or are you a tier 2?

    • October 18, 2022

      I will share this with you. I work for Minnesota, and the international bridge was MN’s responsibility to repair. I had to be on the bridge and go on the Canadian side, and they had my information. I had to give a list to Customs who would work on the bridge. I did not have any issues. My crime was in 1991. I was 18, way before registration came out in Mn and Texas. However, I show up on the register in Texas but do not have to register in Minnesota. If your crime were before 1994, come to mn, and you wouldn’t have to register. I also changed a name, so nothing shows up on my DL when I get pulled over.

    • October 20, 2022

      Felons cannot enter Canada, no matter what the offense is.

      • October 20, 2022

        Not true – you can petition for rehabilitation.

  • October 18, 2022

    2016? The first time that I got pulled at the gate was November of 2013 in Brussels. The Belgian national police didn’t really know what they were looking at back then as the “angel notices” or red notices of this type were apparently brand new. I had been to the same event in 2008, 2009, 2011 and 2012 with no attention at all. As for Canada, you do have to get a lawyer. Apparently, some folks with other types of convictions can be “rehabilitated” immediately at the border station but not us.

  • May 9, 2023

    Hello can someone please help . What countries are sex offenders able to travel to . What was your experience? We plan on but don’t know where we can go.


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