CALL TO ACTION #1 for SB 1252 — Red Lettering on Driver’s Licenses

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This is the Senate companion bill to HB 1085 that is also moving through the House committees.

Now the Companion Bill is starting to move through the Senate committees.  Initially, the Senate version did not include the red lettering; however, it was recently amended to make the designators in Red.

SB 1252 is scheduled for a meeting this Monday, March 27, 2023, with the Senate Transportation Committee at 11:30. See Names and phone numbers below and what needs to be done.

Please make these calls today.


Information Pertaining to This Bill:

  • SB 1252 (lines 841-860) has been amended to say:

All licenses for the operation of motor vehicles or identification cards originally issued or reissued by the department to persons who are designated as sexual predators…or subject to registration as sexual offenders…must have on the front of the license or identification card, in a distinctive format and printed in the color red…either the marking “SEXUAL PREDATOR” or the statute number.

  • This bill does NOT include the other personal information in red that HB 1085 does.
  • This bill, if passed, will take effect July 1, 2023.


What Needs To Be Done:

  1. Call all members of the Senate Transportation Committee.
  2. Whether you talk to a person or voicemail, you must give your name and most likely your phone number. Remember that all voicemails are checked, so you can call after hours.
  3. State that you OPPOSE the part of the bill that would require the red lettering on driver’s licenses for people on the registry.
  4. Mention that you are a constituent if you happen to live in the senator’s district.
  5. Give two brief reasons why you oppose the red lettering on the licenses.
  6. Ask family members and friends to also call to oppose the red lettering.


Talking Points:

  1. The U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear Louisiana’s appeal of a decision against its 2006 law requiring that people on the sex offense registry have their driver’s license or identification card marked with “SEX OFFENDER” in orange letters. The Louisiana Supreme Court said the marking was compelled speech and could not be justified by the state’s interest in protecting public safety.
  2. In 2019, a federal judge struck down Alabama’s sex offense registration law that required registrants to carry a driver’s license or official ID with “CRIMINAL SEX OFFENDER” emblazoned in red.
  3. If this bill is passed as is, will Florida also be facing a costly lawsuit?
  4. While there is no research showing a need for the red lettering on licenses, there is an abundance of research showing that the sexual recidivism rate for people with a past sex offense is lower than that for all other crimes, with the exception of murder.
  5. Research has shown that at least 90% of FUTURE sex crimes will be committed by people NOT on the registry.
  6. The markings on the licenses are intended to assist law enforcement, not the public.
  7. These driver’s licenses and identification cards are required to be shown in many day-to-day activities: in financial institutions; to TSA officers at the airport; to rent a car; at doctors’ offices; etc.  The red lettering then becomes a type of Scarlett Letter for people on the registry – compelled speech.
  8. The author of this bill only sees the red lettering as being used to assist law enforcement. He does not fully understand the punitive nature of this bill for people on the registry.




Phone Numbers for the Senators on the Transportation Committee: 

  1. Senator Nick DiCeglie, Chair, (R):     (850) 487-5018,
  2. Senator Tracie Davis, Vice Chair, (D):    (850) 487-5005,
  3. Senator Jim Boyd (R):    (850) 487-5020,
  4. Senator Doug Broxson (R):    (850) 595-1036,
  5. Senator Colleen Burton (R):    (850) 487-5012,
  6. Senator Joe Gruters (R):    (850) 487-5022,
  7. Senator Ed Hooper (R):    (850) 487-5021,
  8. Senator Jason W. B. Pizzo (D):    850) 487-5037,
  9. Senator Victor M. Torres, Jr. (D):    (850) 487-5025,
  10. Senator Jay Trumbull (R):    (850) 487-5002,


Every call gets heard and tallied.  Every respectful conversation with a staffer is an excellent opportunity to change a mind about our community with someone who has direct contact with a lawmaker.  YOUR EFFORTS DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE!

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18 thoughts on “CALL TO ACTION #1 for SB 1252 — Red Lettering on Driver’s Licenses

  • March 24, 2023

    what about something as simple as cashing a check? you have to show ID. now your ID will have red all over it for the teller to see
    that is another whole level of embarrassment

    • March 25, 2023

      I would think that’s half the point. The other half is that bank tellers or whoever else asks or needs to see your ID would hand it back to you, refuse service, and call the cops for the disturbance you caused by walking into the room.

  • March 24, 2023

    I am opposed to this bill as it does nothing to protect children. It only puts the registrant and his/her family at risk of violence.

  • March 24, 2023

    Would this mean that I would need to PAY for a new license even though my current license is valid for a few more years? That would make my sentence more onerous and that would be illegal.

    Oh yeah, and then there’s the thing about forcing (I’m required to have an id whether or not i want one) me to say that I’m a sexual predator (apparently hiding in bushes waiting to pounce), when that is patently untrue. I am an amazingly kind- hearted individual who always tries to uplift his fellow human beings. THAT is what I want printed on my i.d.!

    • March 26, 2023

      I have called each of the senators on the list.

      @Jim. I haven’t read the entire bill(s) to know if it once it passes you are required to get a new license. Usually it’s when the next renewal occurs. If that is so I’m going to renew mine just before the statute goes into effect (if it does with this wording).

    • March 27, 2023

      That is a case in itself @Jim WRT the “predator” note being compelled speech on the ID/DL. That is not a least restrictive manner to annotate a psychological/psychiatric condition (a disability perhaps much like an addiction can be considered?) which much be assessed to come to that conclusion and a condition which is private to the individual and their medical providers. FLA does not annotate any other medical conditions on a ID/DL, do they?

      It would appear to me this is a civil rights issue that could be waged in the court and won, IMO, where those who are assessed as such would get new ID/DLs free on the state (or their taxpayers) free of the moniker they like to put on them today. Probably after that, the state would amend it to make a least restrictive means to show the same data without everyone outright knowing it (which could be fought again because it is a assessed condition private to the person and their medical providers).

    • March 28, 2023

      Does this apply tobeveryone. Even if your case is over 20 years old?

    • March 28, 2023

      When the current ID designation law was passed, I got a letter from either FDLE or local SD saying that the law was passed and that is need to have a compliant ID card before my next check in. They did not allow us to replace our ID’s as they expired. At that time I believe the ID cost me $20 or $25, but they’re considerably more expensive now.

  • March 25, 2023

    What is red lettering supposed to do?
    Is there a button at the bank that when they see red lettering they are supposed to push it and it lets everyone in the building know there is a sex offender inside?
    If a cop pulls you over and they see the red lettering are they supposed to arrest you for being a sex offender?
    Is red lettering now supposed to supernaturally protect children and others who don’t even see the licenses as if some strange shield now surrounds them?
    What a joke!!
    There is no protective purpose in this whatsoever.

    • March 27, 2023

      People this is straight crule and unusual punishment against the US constitution.

      File lawsuits

  • March 26, 2023

    I am totally against this bill. We don’t need another reminder that we are on the list. It seems like to me the push for new bills and stipulations is making me and my family a target for the possibility of violent acts against us.

    This bill needs to be thrown out. It is bad enough the licenses has an identifying number on it.

  • March 26, 2023

    there has been talk about public not really even taking notice of current designations as they currently stand. thats what this is about and shaming etc. at the rate that people are getting arrested for sex offenses in florida believe me the more laws they can place to get you to leave,die,or locked up is just fine with them.

  • March 26, 2023

    This is the primary reason why each and every one of us needs to do our part if we have not done so and make the calls and even send an email to everyone on this committee list tonight.

    Enough is Enough, We Have to Fight Back!!!

    • March 28, 2023

      This is why I keep saying we need an injunction ready to go. This is kind of my Alamo if this passes I will looking to leave the state. I have been in my house since 2003 raised a family here and now I am done

      • March 30, 2023

        I’m on the same page Tearfuleagle…trying to figure out where to escape this tyranny. How and where can I move? I’ve lived here my whole life. It feels like I am living under a different constitution. I think they intend to hurt me, segregate me, exile me or put me behind bars. It’s another target; another stigma; another brick in their wall to separate me from society. To me, they’re kind of like Modern Day Nazis. They have total support from the general public. Staying here, is becoming obviously dangerous.

  • March 27, 2023

    Once again I oppose this bill.

    Why are we being targeted? What about animal abusers, drug users, but better yet put our shoes on your feet…. Would you like this red lettering on your license or identification? I think not!!

  • March 27, 2023

    CS/SB 1252 has passed the Transportation Committee by a vote of 9-0. The CS is the amendment. Next stop is Appropriations Committee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development Committee.

  • March 28, 2023

    What would happen if a sex offender had an assault weapon, went into a school, shot three administers and three 9 year old children. Do you think that Florida congressmen would do something to the sex offender laws, or the gun laws.

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