CALL TO ACTION #1 for HB 833 Vacation Rentals

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HB 833 is of great concern as it would require reporting stays of 24 hours or longer at vacation rentals.  A vacation rental is any unit or group of units in a condominium or cooperative or any individually or collectively owned single-family, two-family, three-family, or four-family house or dwelling unit that is also a transient public lodging establishment but that is not a timeshare project.”

Our concern is with lines 684 – 697.

This bill is now in the House Regulatory Reform & Economic Development Subcommittee with a scheduled meeting for Tuesday, March 28, 2023, at 2:00 pm.

There are three companion bills, but at the present time none contains this onerous verbiage.



 If you call, you will need to give your name and phone number, state that you oppose the language in the bill that would require reporting stays at vacation rentals for 24 hours or more, and give one or two very BRIEF REASONS why you oppose the bill.

  • If you happen to be a constituent (live in the representative’s district), please mention this fact.
  • If you call after hours, voicemail will pick up. Give the same information listed above.  The aides all say they do count the yeas and nays from the voicemails but only if you leave your name and phone number (or some type of contact information).
  • If possible, also send an email or letter through the U.S. Postal Service listing the reasons why you oppose HB 833.



  • The shortened time for required registration will make it impossible for registered citizens to comply if they check in on a weekend.
  • This part of the bill would most likely make it impossible for registered citizens to travel.
  • Because this part of the bill could make it nearly impossible for registered citizens to travel throughout the state of Florida, FDLE has warned of lawsuits coming over this issue.
  • FDLE has said this change will lead to a “substantial increase” in the number of registered citizens required to complete a registration. This will potentially increase the workload of the FDLE and require programming changes to FDLE’s technology systems and incur increased costs.
  • This additional restriction would be punitive for registered citizens, making it unconstitutional.
  • What is the purpose of requiring this 24-hour registration? What is the research that is being used to justify this part of the bill?
  • Florida already has 52 registry requirements for people on the sex offense registry, where noncompliance for any one of them could result in 5 years of prison. Why is the legislature trying to further punish the tens of thousands of registrants on the Florida registry who are now law-abiding citizens?



  1. Tyler I. Sirois (Chair-R):  850-717-5031;
  2. Lauren Melo (Vice Chair – R):  850-717-5082;
  3. Joe Casello (Democratic Ranking Member – D):  850-717-5090;
  4. Carolina Amesty (R):  850-717-5045;
  5. Peggy Gossett-Seidman (R):  850-717-5091;
  6. Jeff Holcomb (R):  850-717-5053;
  7. Randall Scott Maggard (R):  850-717-5054;
  8. Patt Maney (R):  850-717-5004;
  9. Fiona McFarland (R):  850-717-5073;
  10. Angela Nixon (D):  850-717-5013;
  11. William Cloud Robinson, Jr. (R):  850-717-5071;
  12. Jason Shoaf (R):  850-717-5007;
  13. David Silvers (D):  850-717-5089;
  14. Susan L. Valdes (D):  850-717-5064;
  15. Bradford Troy Yeager (R):  850-717-5056;

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10 thoughts on “CALL TO ACTION #1 for HB 833 Vacation Rentals

  • March 13, 2023

    Is providing a phone number mandatory?? What happens call after hours (which is when can) and just leave a first name and comment on the recording?

    • March 15, 2023

      @G, A phone number is not mandatory. It is helpful however. But when I call and get a person, they don’t ask for a number. They are generally very nice and say they will pass on your opposition.

      Making our voices heard is of the most importance.

      • March 15, 2023

        Thanks. I got pushback from people that did not want to leave contact info and so they did not call and now may be too late.

  • March 14, 2023

    I refuse to do anything that is not required of any American citizen. What’s next? A ‘star of David’.

    • March 18, 2023

      I am 10000 percent with you.

  • March 14, 2023

    More performative nonsense from our “highly-esteemed” so-called “lawmakers” in Florida. They just want to maximize and bloat the registry further from everyone visiting out-of-state.

    “Yeah, lets pretend to be outraged at books, trans/gay, and sex offenders, while we do nothing about guns, drugs and teen suicides.” – Florida lawmakers, most likely.

  • March 16, 2023

    I have no problem leaving my phone number. In fact, I hope they do call me back. Anna Eskamani’s rep did call me back and we had a very nice conversation.

  • March 16, 2023

    If the require in person reporting for 24 hour stay how does stack against our right to travel. This would be a huge blow to that imho

    • March 20, 2023

      That is why FDLE has predicted that lawsuits will follow if this bill ever passes. This is the third year that this bill has surfaced. What do the sponsors of this bill not get?

  • March 25, 2023

    Called them all and left a voicemail. Thank you for keeping us updated.

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