We are anticipating things to start heating up in Tallahassee for the remaining few weeks of the 2022 legislative session. There are some FAC members who have been calling and emailing legislators these past two weeks, and we feel that some progress is being made in stopping these bills. But more needs to be done to convince legislators that there are many Floridians who are opposed to these bills.
What needs to be done:
- Call the legislators on the committees listed below that will be hearing this bill.
- You will need to give your name, contact information (either an email address or phone number), state that you oppose the bill, and give one or two VERY BRIEF reasons why you oppose the bill.
- If you call after hours, voicemail will pick up. Give the same information listed above (your name, contact info, and you oppose the bill). The aides all say that they do count the yeas and nays from the voicemails.
- If possible, also send an email listing the reasons why you oppose the bill. On the subject line, only put the bill number and that you oppose it. (Example: SB 1932, Oppose)
Talking points and contact information:
SENATE BILL 1932 (Author: Senator Ed Hooper)
Our concerns: (1) This bill would change the definition of day to include any part of a day; and (2) A State Attorney is currently allowed to attend any hearing for removal from the registry, but this bill would also allow FDLE to attend.
Talking Points:
- The definition of the word day is, and always has been, a 24-hour period – not any part of a calendar day.
- This bill would make it so that if you visited your parent’s home once a month, frequented your favorite restaurants, etc. throughout a calendar year, then it is possible that registrants would have to report all of these addresses as they would be “remaining” or “located” there for 3 days in the aggregate of a year (using the new definition of a day).
- There is confusion enough in our current statutes as to what constitutes a day. This bill will only add to the confusion.
- Costs will go up for sheriff’s offices as they will be inundated with registrants trying to register every address for every place they frequent on a regular basis.
- How is this making society safer?
- Concerning the FDLE being invited to hearings for removal from the registry, FDLE is not going to have any additional information to bring to the hearing that the State Attorney has not already brought. This bill would simply stack the opposition against a registered citizen.
- FDLE has financial incentives to keep people on the registry. Millions of dollars are paid every year to the state of Florida to monitor 80,000 people on the registry.
Committee members that need to be contacted to oppose SB 1932:
Senate Criminal Justice Committee
Senator Jason W. B. Pizzo (D)-Chair (850) 487-5038
Senator Jeff Brandes (R)-Vice Chair (850) 487-5024
Senator Dennis Baxley (R) (850) 487-5012
Senator Danny Burgess (R) (850) 487-5020
Senator George B. Gainer (R) (850) 487-5002
Senator Ed Hooper (R) (850) 487-5016
Senator Keith Perry (R) (850) 487-5008
Senator Bobby Powell (D) (850) 487-5030
Senator Annette Taddeo (D) (850) 487-5040
Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Criminal and Civil Justice
Senator Keith Perry (R)-Chair (850) 487-5008
Senator Tom A. Wright (R)-Vice Chair (850) 487-5014
Senator Dennis Baxley (R) (850) 487-5012
Senator Randolph Bracy (D) (850) 487-5011
Senator George B. Gainer (R) (850) 487-5002
Senator Jason W. B. Pizzo (D) (850) 487-5038
Senator Ana Maria Rodriguez (R) (850) 487-5039
Senator Victor M. Torres, Jr. (D) (850) 487-5015
Senate Committee on Appropriations
Senator Kelli Stargel (R)-Chair (850) 487-5022
Senator Aaron Bean (R)-Vice Chair (850) 487-5004
Senator Ben Albritton (R) (850) 487-5026
Senator Dennis Baxley (R) (850) 487-5012
Senator Lauren Book (D) (850) 487-5032
Senator Randolph Bracy (D) (850) 487-5011
Senator Jeff Brandes (R) (850) 487-5024
Senator Doug Broxson (R) (850) 487-5001
Senator Manny Diaz, Jr. (R) (850) 487-5036
Senator George B. Gainer (R) (850) 487-5002
Senator Audrey Gibson (D) (850) 487-5006
Senator Ed Hooper (R) (850) 487-5016
Senator Travis Hutson (R) (850) 487-5007
Senator Debbie Mayfield (R) (850) 487-5017
Senator Kathleen Passidomo (R) (850) 487-5028
Senator Keith Perry (R) (850) 487-5008
Senator Jason W. B. Pizzo (D) (850) 487-5038
Senator Bobby Powell (D) (850) 487-5030
Senator Darryl Ervin Rouson (D) (850) 487-5019
Senator Linda Stewart (D) (850) 487-5013
I’ve done my fair share of calling and emailing as a former Florida registrant who stands and supports current Florida’s registrants, their families, and FAC.
Thank you, Brandon, for your efforts.
Ana Rodriguez email bounced for some reason?
Once in awhile, I will have one bounce back, too. I just double checked and can’t find anything wrong with it. Hopefully, if any of our members find out what it should be, they will add it in the comments section for us.
Thank you for working on this Call to Action.
According to Senator Hoppers contributions he received 2k from GEO, so that definitely sounds fishy and now I know who he’s in bed with.
Is there really any hope after tonight’s events in Florida. (The Blue Alert 📢 🤔 …. ) Although if they find “who” their looking for, then we don’t need all the new restrictions Florida is trying to add 🙄
If we think small we can only accomplish small things. I am a licensed paralegal and I am forming a coalition for Legislative, Judicial and Penal Reform. Membership will be opened to the Free World as well as The the Incarcerated. The Legislature and Judiciary must not be influenced by FEAR, IGNORANCE OR PREJUDICE. Prison reform is necessary to ensure that this principle is respected, the human rights of prisoners protected
and their prospects for social reintegration increased.
The Florida Sexual Registration in part is Unconstitutional