IMPORTANT UPDATE – CALL TO ACTION: Brevard County Commission Meeting AUG 2

UPDATE – HOPE TO SEE YOU at the Brevard Commission Meeting.  Please arrive by 4:30 pm to avoid delay at security screening.

Tuesday  August 2, 2022, 5:00 PM, at 2725 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, building C, Viera, FL 32940

The agenda for the forthcoming Brevard County Commission meeting has been posted and they WILL be discussing the amendment to their sexual offender/sexual predator ordinance.

We are calling upon members to appear at the Commission meeting to speak against the ordinance and show support for the other members who will speak against it.  If you plan to attend, speak or send a letter contact for questions.

If you are unable to attend the Commission meeting but wish to make your voice heard, please write a letter to to the commissioners and send by email to us that will be hand delivered to the meeting for inclusion in their minutes.

Please send an email to containing your comments as you want them presented to the commissioners. We will not be able to read it at the meeting but we will submit your email for inclusion into the minutes of the meeting.
1. Use subject line: “Opposition to Proximity Ordinance Amendment”
2. Start your email with “Dear Commissioners”
3. End your email with your real name. Include phone, address or other Identification if desired. Your email will already be included.

If you plan to attend, please be certain to send email to  For Example: “This e-mail is notification of my attending the following public meeting: Name: ______________, Birthdate: ___________, Meeting: .Brevard County Commissioner’s Meeting, Located at 2715 Judge Fran Jamieson Way,  Building C, Viera, FL. 32940.  Tuesday August 2, 2022 at 5pm. ”

This is our opportunity to show up and speak out, please, please, please do your part!

Contact for more information.

29 thoughts on “IMPORTANT UPDATE – CALL TO ACTION: Brevard County Commission Meeting AUG 2

  • July 28, 2022

    Do you HAVE to send prior notice?

    • July 29, 2022


  • July 28, 2022

    IF John Tobia’s mindset and temperament is anything CLOSE to resembling Joe “I run the County” Mullins – then don’t get too elaborate with your enthusiasm and expectations.

    However, if you’re the timid and meek type, just stay home. If you’re grateful to just “be out of prison” then stay home. If you’re not angry and fed-up, just stay home. If you think that you’re not a victim government encroachment and invasive intrusion, then stay home. If you’re unable to look these people in the eye while talking , then stay home.

    You’re not there to change minds. You’re there to tell them what they’re doing is WRONG.

    • July 28, 2022

      Well I agree with you basically, but hopefully we change their minds as to whether cruelty is good politics. Or at least plant seeds of doubt. And perhaps change some minds among the more thoughtful members of the audience and the public.

    • August 3, 2022

      Absolutely right, and they should be reminded that history will judge their actions just as it did for Judge Leon M. Bazile, a racist person who was on the wrong side of justice when it came to banning interracial marriage and whose ruling will be remembered for the pejorative action that it was.

      Incidentally, Judge Bazile died shortly before seeing his ruling overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court.

    • August 1, 2022

      Miami-Dade Commissioners are cone heads!

  • July 27, 2022

    As I have said before, I REFUSE to comply with every single minute obstacle and hurdle of this bizarre registry. It almost is not reality. It will make you detach from reality if you aspire to make your life goal every single detail of this unconstitutional registry. I am living comfortably in the desert and away from the unconstitutional web of deceit that some desperate lawmakers use to TRY to make a name for themselves. They are a pathetic mess and trying to make up for the failures that they have had in their lives and to take it out on the registered, scared society that all of you live in. I refuse, bottom line

    • July 28, 2022

      ‘I’m so brave that I live out in the desert to get away from society.’

  • July 27, 2022

    I’ve been dealing with the County Commission in one way or another for years….. we CAN NOT go to the podium and in ANY WAY portray ourselves as “victims” of the draconian ordinance. That falls directly into the Commissioners response where they can go on and on about the way we destroyed our victims lives and now we’re whining.
    Do we all deal with hardship because of this thing? ABSOLUTELY. I personally can’t go to any of my children’s homes to see my family.
    I’m fortunate enough to have places to shop and conduct personal business but I realize that there are many of us that don’t have that ability.
    I ran into John Tobia in public one time in a County office and ended up having a 5 minute discussion on this. About 2 minutes into the conversation I was able to shut him down by telling him “Commissioner, I’m not a victim, I had a victim”. Still was a terse conversation but you tell that my comment confused him and took him out of him canned rhetoric.

    • July 27, 2022

      Roger makes an important point. When someone like Tobia asks you a question in public, he is not making an inquiry; instead, he is planting a trap so he can use you to make a point. I think the previous meeting’s volunteer speakers intuitively sensed this. Avoid joining in games you can’t win!

      I am grateful that someone was able to get five minutes of his time to feel him out; most of the rest of us get three if we’re lucky.

  • July 27, 2022

    As stated before we should expect that they will make condescending remarks and default to “it protects the children” when it doesn’t of the sort. We need to be able to respond in a way that makes our points without invoking an angry response. We are and have to be the better people.


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