Call To Action: Miami-Dade Homeless Encampment

After years of posting about the growing encampment of transient sex offenders in Miami-Dade County, it has taken some recent bad media exposure for the County to do something about it. And who do they appoint to spearhead the effort to relocate them? Ron Book! The same person who caused them to be homeless in the first place!

As absurd as it is to have allowed the human rights disaster to continue for so long, it’s even more absurd to appoint the most vocal proponent of their punishment and his daughter, whose organization receives millions of dollars annually from the perpetuation of myths about registered sex offenders, to help them.

If you want to voice you opposition to what is going on, the following is a list of Miami-Dade County Commissioners to contact:

District 1 Barbara J. Jordan 305-474-3011
District 2 Jean Monestime 305-694-2779
District 3 Audrey M. Edmonson 305-636-2331
District 4 Sally A. Heyman 305-787-5999
District 5 Bruno A. Barreiro 305-673-7743
District 6 Rebeca Sosa 305-267-6377
District 7 Xavier L. Suarez 305-694-3550
District 8 Daniella Levine Cava 305-378-6677
District 9 Dennis C. Moss 305-234-4938
District 10 Javier D. Souto 305-222-2116
District 11 Joe A. Martinez 305-552-1155
District 12 Jose “Pepe” Diaz 305-599-1200
District 13 Esteban L. Bovo, Jr. 305-820-8424

23 thoughts on “Call To Action: Miami-Dade Homeless Encampment

  • August 24, 2017 at 3:19 pm

    As Yogi Berra once said, it’s deja vu all over again.

    They did the same thing in 2010 to shut down the homeless camp under the JTC.

  • August 24, 2017 at 4:33 pm

    Can we do this even if we don’t live in that district?

    • August 24, 2017 at 5:10 pm


      • August 25, 2017 at 4:32 am

        Before I pen mine can you remind me exactly what the lawsuit is about? I do not want the details but only to mention it that there is a lawsuit about…is it about the living restrictions?

        • August 25, 2017 at 7:49 am

          It is about the residency restrictions being ex-post-facto punishment

          • September 1, 2017 at 10:56 pm

            Is the ex post facto lawsuit about the “registry” being punishment or is it just about the residency requirements?

          • September 3, 2017 at 11:51 am

            it’s about a specific challenge to the punitive nature of residency requirements and therefore the unconstitutionality of their retroactive application, using the ex post facto clause as the main legal argument. We need a court to say “yes, this law is punitive.” Once that is said (and residency requirements is a good, non-emotional issue) then the ex post facto can then more easily kick in. Normally judges don’t want to throw the baby out with the bath water and it might take a couple of issue-specific cases before they are ready to say, “ok this whole sex offender scheme applied retroactively is unconstitutional.” But yes, this case has the potential of opening up a whole can of whoop ass.

  • August 25, 2017 at 11:51 am

    I have been calling the commissioners office and had great response from their office. What is weird they act like I was the only one that’s called them. I suggest everyone call their offices and put the pressure on them…

  • August 25, 2017 at 1:41 pm

    These modern day “leper colonies” are absurd and have no place in a modern society. These American citizens have been cast out and yet they are forced to remain trapped in the USA with no hope of moving forward with their lives and all by design.

    By the design of a system which claims to protect children (emotional trigger) but only serves to punish those accused of “sex crimes” which more often than not do not even involve children to start with!

    How utterly absurd and simply stupid to claim that these laws protect anyone when all they really do is social shame and ostracize a group of people – Americans on American soil – How is this legal?

    Why is it allowed? Modern day witch hunt and nothing more!

  • August 26, 2017 at 1:58 pm

    here is a copy of my letter:

    “I’m writing to you today regarding homelessness, homeless trust, Ron Book, Sex Offenders.

    There is still an ongoing issue with homeless sex offenders that is growing. I would like to start out by saying that no human should have to live in conditions such as what has recently been reported again with the homeless sex offenders.
    “The Good Book says we should tie a heavy stone around the child sex offender’s neck and drop him in the deepest part of the sea, but we are selective when it comes to the Good Book.” Incidentally, a look at the actions of Christ show that some of His greatest love and mercies were shown to those guilty of sexual sins. His greatest condemnations, conversely, were reserved for those who were so quick to condemn others and failed to see their own, much greater sins.
    Keeping children safe is a parent’s chief concern, but hyped-up fear mongering that totally ignores the vast body of research done on the subject for the past 15 plus years does no service to anyone. It does communities no service because it does not contribute to public safety. It does former offenders no service because it invalidates and often makes impossible everything needed for stability and rehabilitation. And most of all, it does children no service because the overwhelmingly greater risk for harm to them comes not from those on the registry for a previous sexual offense but from those close to them in their lives who are not on the registry, specifically their family members, their peers, and their authority figures.
    This is an emotional issue, but laws must not be driven by emotions; they must be driven by empirical evidence if they are to be effective. No empirical evidence exists that supports “child-safe zones,” “residency restrictions”, etc… public registration/notification, or fear-mongering, hate-driven editorials as valid approaches to improving public safety or reducing child sexual abuse.
    It has been proven by sever state and federal statistics that sex offenders have the lowest recidivism rates among all convicted criminals with the exception of homicide. If you really want to protect people then start confiscating vehicles of people that operate a vehicle under the influence as they have injured and killed more children and adults then any other criminal class combined.
    My Understanding is Mr. Ron Book is in charge of the homeless trust but has public stated horrible things and mis leading statements about sex offenders especially the recidivism rates thus the reasons for these laws that create un-human living conditions for not only for the convicted criminal but it also harms there family and children; with this in mind just how many sex offenders have the homeless trust assisted?(not including the last time under the bridge as from information that i obtained Mr. Book put on a dog and pony show that he was helping these people, moved several into a mobile home park then 3 months later reported that they were living to close to a previous unmarked restricted area such as a park or school) Also have you ever researched or considered that Mr. Book may be a convicted criminal himself?  Ask yourself would a banking institute employ someone that has been convicted of fraud or any other types of theft or mis use of money charges? and if they did, would the insurance company cover they loss if there was one or should there be one from neglect hiring?
    In closing i ask of you to do a few minutes of research from other states Gov. and the Federal Gov. about recidivism rates among sex offenders and not hyped upped lies. then ask yourself an honest question what would protect the community more. sex offender residency restrictions where people are FORCED to live in un human conditions, causes a undue hardship to their family and children, etc… or start enforcing laws and directing police to start confiscating vehicles of people that operate a vehicle under the influence as they actually have a high recidivism rate.
    Concerned Citizen”

    • September 3, 2017 at 11:59 am

      Waste of time. He knows you speak for a small minority or are connected in some way to a registrant or to FAC. He knows our work well. The law is on our side. Focus your attention there. Ron Book is a non-issue. He simply does not have the final say.

      • September 5, 2017 at 5:13 pm

        Sir, I ask you ?? What do you consider a SMALL Minority ??? There are over 1 MILLION REGISTERED SEX OFFENDERS in this Country !!! And 99% of them have atleast 3 friends and/or Family members that are suffering from these “Laws” and “RESTRICTIONS” !!!! According to my math, That’s 4 MILLION+ Affected People !!!. That to me is no longer a MINORITY !!!. That is a serious percentage of our Country !!!!. If 4+ million people were murdered tommorow, Would something be done then ??? Even if the ones killed were EX OR CURRENT CONVICTS ??????. Would “The People” allow something like this to happen today ???. I would HOPE not !!!!!!. 10 years ago,Yes,We were few !!!!!. But Today we are MANY !!!!!!. And our “Population” is Growing EVERYDAY !!!. So I say again to you, Isn’t it time We ALL stood up against this “GROWING PROBLEM” ????. I could only imagine what our new President would think, If he started receiving 100/200/500/1000/???????? Letters a day about the Sex Offender Cruelty that’s going on daily ????. It sure couldn’t/wouldn’t hurt anything for everyone to start writing him !!!!!!!. Numbers is what make things happen !! And unfortunately we have “The Numbers” now !!!!!.

    • September 9, 2017 at 8:56 pm

      u make good points thank u

      There are a plethora of drunk driv ers in Ocala, openly drinking as they drive A plethora of drivers texting as they drive – so many accidents that I drive only when I have to and only hrs. that I know traffic is low – I live off 441 every Friday and Saturday u can count on jerks ripping up and down this road, thinking it is a race track

      Always, 2 o’clock in the morning the druggies running the streets and no cops doing anything about it

      Years ago, listening to the VA, my husband is a VET – he had trouble with his one leg and I knew he was diabetic when I met him – took him to VA when I could -a lot of mistreatment, but eventually they told him to not work and apply for disability – it made me homeless – threw us into a life of going whereever we could for work – stopped in Danbury CT – library – looked up Fed laws on homeless ness – found there were two – first, every community in America required to make provisions for homeless population to house and secondly, if there were an unused federal bullding in the community, it was required to make it available for the storage of homeless persons belongings – everywhere I have been do not see this happening I was a tired old woman when this all started with a back that had given me a disability check but only ssi because I didn’t have enough work credits because I gave up working when I had my first son because he was a medical nightmare and I was sick , trusting the jerk I was married to and for whom I gave up my career so he would persue his – long story short dedicated wife, living frugally, doing best job I could raising children, saving money, – almost ended up dead – what some people will do for ur life insurance – went back to work when I met present husband because disability never did anything for him he had to go back to work, aggravate health more -tired now from him being so sick from congestive heart failure finally due to VA being stupid or not caring and other Drs. just stupid – and me worn down with a heart problem – both of us forced to do heavy physical labor to survive – and out of blue came – ur a registered sex offender u can’t live here – crisis to move – all in the end over the wife who accused him and after she did, went to police and said she lied and nothing was done about it – after years of crap, learned it was all over the first ex’s and the second wanting the man dead because they both knew his uncle was sitting on an inheritance for him and because he threw his money away on both of them, the inheritance came from uncles wife who put it in uncles hands and it sat there with 10 years to collect it after uncle joe died – what behavior that brought on – social secutiry knew it because when it finally got put through, I asked why they didn’t pay ssi, response was he had too many assets – so a case of life made miserable by greedy people and made mine miserable too – as I have said before, time legislation includes requirement for lie detector tests for accusers – no one cared that my husband passed the one he was given – in his words, he knew how corrupt NY state was and he felt there was no way he could fight any of it – I don’t have time, living in motel, having to come up with healthy special diets for the two of us, both having mobility problems – if anyone else has the time to research the Fed’l laws again, they should be my guest – I am working on writing a letter to the governor about how absurd their law regarding medicaid coverage – they consider owning a vehicle a luxury and most of them have never had to try to live in Ocala with 2 good legs – we both have trouble walking and the sex offender limitations as to where we can live put us where it costs too much for cabs, the para transit service sucks – will only take u one day a week for groceries and onlyu to Walmart, where I rarely shop – the medical transportation for Drs. left us in the dark, just after my husband was release from the hospital for heart failure and went to see his cardiologist – long way from where we live had to start walking, couldn’t get a cab because I culdn’t give an address and when I could, cab told me would be an hr. – man needed to get off his feet, as did I and needed insulin and food – and to lie down – we were lucky to find an angel to drive us home – my car was broken down at time – I had one car go when I first got here in 2009, bought another that took most of our money in repairs, exchanged for another that was out when he had to go to hospital, I had to walk back home, 2 am, street where woman was found dead in past , having forgot phone and key when we went with emergency squad, street where I have been sexually harassed in past even tho 65 years old – had to sit out smoking myself to death to stay awake til owners opened up (had up closed sign) until I heard phone ringing inside room – had forgotten that too when we went to hospital – so went and woke them up spend two days laid up in agony from what that walk did to old hip injuries in back and unable to get up to hospital and when they were thinking about releaseing him , had to walk there in agony because money tight – so the cost of repairs to the car which ere considerable, are not allowed towards expenses considered on recertification – and so my plans to try to get to gainesville because paratransit is better there and there is decent VA service and a bus system until I am able to just go the hell back up North – and we worked our butts off in this town of people that don’t work too hard to help the people we worked for make a lot of bucks – I have had to live around alcoholics and druggies with the motels we have had to live in , have threats made to my and my husbands safety and nothing doen about it, syringes stolen, etc. etc. – most recent was someone getting into my place and my computer and taking pills – my phone cloned when someone pleaded poverty and I lent it to her and after the fact she tells me the “son” is not her sone and he is a scam artist – real pain dealing with it when it takes my whole day to come up with decent meals here – this is supposed to be america – justice for all and at this point, I gotta wonder what my ancestors were thinking – sorry u have to hear all this but u seem to be pretty intelligent and if u have the time, researching the Fed’l laws is a good thing to do –

  • August 28, 2017 at 2:10 pm

    Just called no.1 on the list…Barbara Jordan. Post if you call here. Ron Book needs to be removed from the position.

    • August 29, 2017 at 5:01 pm

      “TEFLON RON” that’s what I coined as his nickname. Cause nothing sticks to him.

    • September 3, 2017 at 11:56 am

      Ron Book is here to stay. Best we focus our energy elsewhere like the Courts which aren’t so driven by and dependent on power, money and votes. By the end of the day, Ron Book is really a non-issue. He simply does not have the final say.

  • August 29, 2017 at 2:55 pm

    everyone bitches about the hit list yet i see very few people take action or even speak up and report they did, must get very frustrating. only thing i received after e-mailing them all was 2 autoresponse

    • August 29, 2017 at 4:58 pm

      I emailed all 13 districts and only got one autoresponse, and that one said to remember to re elect (KMA). you’re luck you got 2 responses.

  • August 30, 2017 at 10:25 am

    I am halfway thru the dade list. I include the HERO complex who creates a problem and attempts to find solution. I am available to go to the area or areas of homelessness. I also speak to the fact that I know in their commissioner hearts, they know this restriction on residency is not scientific based but on emotion and vendetta.

    • August 30, 2017 at 10:39 am

      many ask for an email to the fact and position. I so far found the suarez on committee for homeless trust with ron book. CAVA totally sounds like.
      please..let us all follow up with emails too.

    • August 30, 2017 at 3:19 pm

      Called all 13 offices. Left my opinion with staff. All commissioners were at a downtown meeting.

  • September 5, 2017 at 12:31 pm

    So are sex offenders still banned by state law from the hurricane shelters set up for “good” people?

  • September 7, 2017 at 11:15 pm

    life is full of ironies – inmy case I am married to a man whose second wife decided she wanted to get rid of him and keep the kid, he wasn’t making all the money he had made in the past anymore – she wanted a new boyfriend and know now was into drugs – turned the kid into a druggie and drug dealer – accused him of making advances to her daughter by another man when he was just combing her hair and that turned into grooming – he went to court, took lie detector test which he passed , “took classes” he wa required to take – prior to this she had had a gang try to beat him up – after he bought her a house – just a witch – now, this man was brave enough to step into my life when my ex was trying to do me in – fell in love with him for who he was as a person – and in his own words, know he is not lieing because he told me , knowing my ex – ex liked younger women when my present husband liked older women – now, suddenly in Florida he was a sex offender, cause sudden move when we were trying to get him medical care for diabetes and me disabled, living in a hell hole w/ drug activity that was obvious with a police department office that had full sight of what was going on – both of us in fear of our safety – relocated to where we “could live” same crap there – relocated again – same crap again – man had congestive heart failure in Nov. of last year, hospital noted several heart attacks in past – previous leg arteries in thighs totally blocked (thank the va system for doing nothing) one leg stinted, other artery replaced – I have had him on diet for years that helped deal w/diabetes but he takes insulin 5 times a day, on a multitude of blood thinners, blood pressure medicines, water pill, pain killers, etc. etc. he is slowly dieing and I am doing my best to keep him alive with the necessity of a special diet and have my own special dietery needs from health problems in past and diagnosed heart problem – partially enlarged heart and leaky heart valves which has been aggravated by the past years here of living conditions put on him by offender regulations – the irony – I worked here, worked hard – landscaping – driven off more than one job by sexual harassment – strained hip and back muscle on one side from eyars ago, other side still affected from too much heavy lifting 10 years ago – another job I was sexually harrassed on and they knew it and in spite of there “stong sexual harassment policy”, they didn’t do anything – I had to quit – if I try to walk here , with a cane, at 65 I get harassed by jerks, have to fear for my safety – complaints in past due to harassment and threats not addressed – nice mess huh – tonight, I have had to smear antibiotic ointment on his one leg because stupid dr. gave him antibiotic which helped and doesn’t want to see him again for 3 months – have to take him to urgent care tomorrow – don’t want to here their crap here if we have to evacuate – will tell stupid cops myself, u are not up to dealing with this man’s needs at ur prison, which is where they want him to go – he is supposed to keep his feet up as much as he can – to reduce swelling – I have put up with a lot of stupid ignorant people just to stay as close to a hospital as I can and kick my rear end for not going straight to gainesville when I came back here in 2009 – dealing with drs. here has been a waste – now, my ccar died, stuck with another used car that took all my money in repairs, able to get another one that I know the engine is not much good so don’t go far because if we break down and get stuck it will kill the two of us – cops will be told if we have to leave I will go park my car at the hospital and he probably should be in the hospital because it is the only place here u get any decent medical attention – last time he swelled all up and couldn’t breath, which is what put hi in the hospital when they diagnosed the heart failure, they were supposed to admit him but couldn’t get him a bed because both hospitals here were full – sent him home – me, up all night with him there, bone on bone in back legs numb no sleep – had to have him call and say they had him and others sign them selves out, gave no release papers to cover therir rear ends in case of liability, when it was just the day I would have been out getting groceries in and my car was down again – town ain’t worth living in and now, told Feb. he can get an attorney to clear his record because it has been twenty years – thought we would stick it out til then but, will have to make decidsion soon tas to whether it is worth it or not – drug dealers running around 2 oclock in the morning, people hanging around my car, I find the buts, because they want to steal it – wires on the ground used to try to get into it – no alarm – had it with last car – now who should the cops we looking for ? I have had to put up with people gettin ginto my room 3 different places to steal from me after I was good to them – what is wrong with this town I really dont know – and the way they have treated other offenders is awful – stuck living in woods, driven out of town because ocala wants to look like a glorious place to live – hiding so many of their other problems makes me sick and for the record, when I met my husband I had been moved for my safety and didn’t kow whether to trust him but “the look in his eyes told me his words were not lies” and so taking the bus to his brothers, he got up and made the bus driver stop the bus because he had dropped off a mother and children at a snow bank and the kids were falling into the road and my husband went out and helped to get the kids over the snow bank – not a man that would harm children I had to shut up a news reported by writing to here and telling her that using sensationalistic language with her “lurking” in her report on offenders living in motels where there were children, telling her I knew of more than one man who had gotten involved with a young snot who had a fake id and just wanted to get into a bar and party and when the male found out their real age and wanted to end it – brats accused them of sexual assault – time the accusers be required to take lie detector tests themselves.


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