CA: Lakeside neighbors furious over home housing sex offenders

I’ll let you read the full article at the source before commenting:

Note there were no issues – the neighbors only found out about the home after they checked the Megan’s Law Website.

Despite there being no issues (aside from the community’s disapproval), they are looking to “change the laws” to prevent this program designed to reduce recidivism. They are also looking to harass the homeowners to see if they can find “code violations” in order to get the house shut down.

Clearly the government set up this STOP program in order, now, instead of defending their own program, they are kowtowing to the protesters.


7 thoughts on “CA: Lakeside neighbors furious over home housing sex offenders

    • September 13, 2022

      It never ceases to amaze me how a minor can be charged as an adult for committing a crime because “he knew what he was doing was wrong”, yet the same minor who has consensual relations with an adult lacks the mental capacity to make adult decisions.
      I’m not advocating that having sex with minors should be legal, but someone please explain this logic to me.

  • September 13, 2022

    That was some of the worst one sided hack job journalism I’d ever seen. No mention of these residents having completed their sentences, no mention of any new crimes being committed. Just a bunch of pissed off neighbors holding signs and spineless politicians.

    I emailed them and asked them why the other side of this wasn’t addressed:

    Maybe they should hear your voice too.

  • September 13, 2022

    I wonder if this is the same Abbie Alford who was nominated for a Shiitake award in 2012 for harassing a guy charged in a sting / entrapment case, and in 2009 for stating SOs were trying yo lure kids at a gaming convention while dressed as pedobear in 2009.

    Maybe her crappy reporting got her chased out of Oklahoma?

  • September 13, 2022

    I read the article, and all I can say is I really have no comment, because if I did, it would be so full of anger and frustration over the same BS intentional misinformation about registered persons that the moderators wouldn’t even post my comment.
    I think that says enough.

  • September 13, 2022

    Perhaps a non RSO can ask the city if there is an ordinance against the loitering/protesting outside residential homes. If this is allowed in that city then FAC has the right to organize an even larger protest and march through the neighborhood like neo-nazis legally did in the primarily Jewish city of Skokie. IL in the 1970s.

  • September 13, 2022

    So protesting in front of their house isn’t considered the harassment that “won’t be tolerated”?


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