Bureau of Prisons director slated to resign amid controversy

The director of the federal Bureau of Prisons plans to resign amid reports of widespread corruption in the federal prison system.

Michael Carvajal, who was appointed to his present position under the Trump administration, told Attorney General Merrick Garland he is resigning from the bureau after serving in it for 30 years.

Carvajal’s pending departure comes months after the AP reported that the Bureau of Prisons “is a hotbed of abuse, graft and corruption, and has turned a blind eye to employees accused of misconduct.” More than 100 BOP workers have been arrested, convicted, or sentenced for crimes since 2019, with one warden being charged with sexual abuse of an inmate. The spread of COVID-19 among inmates in federal prisons has also been a point of contention.


2 thoughts on “Bureau of Prisons director slated to resign amid controversy

  • January 6, 2022

    Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) on Tuesday called on Attorney General Merrick Garland to replace Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) Director Michael Carvajal after an investigation by The Associated Press found “abuse, graft and corruption” in the agency.
    The abuse neglect and ‘ we can do whatever we want’ mentality in prisons and jails across our nation are sub-human fraught with rules and procedures meant to degrade not only the inmates but their families too.

    Mr. Carjaval and cronies please ride off into the sunset!

  • January 6, 2022

    Why does it seem the public and lawmakers are fine with sexual abuse when it happens in prisons? Every time someone is arrested and convicted all I hear is that person needs to be raped. Only thing prisons are good for is wasting money, corruption and abuses in state/ private prisons, making some become better criminals, allowing people to become bitter, and not much for rehabilitation.
    This crap should of been dealt with decades ago, yet the can gets kicked down the road.


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