Brevard/Seminole Prosecutor Arrested on Drug Charges. What should we do?
We don’t take pleasure in other’s tragedy or believe in kicking someone when they are down, so this post should not be taken the wrong way.
Given the challenges we’ve had in Seminole and Brevard Counties with their outrageous proximity ordinances, it’ll be interesting to see what becomes of one of their Assistant State Attorneys who is responsible for prosecuting these ordinances. Will he get off with a diversion program or light sentence or is his life over?
We know that according to Bureau of Justice Statistics, within 5 years of release, 82.1% of property offenders were arrested for a new crime, compared to 76.9% of drug offenders, 73.6% of public order offenders, and 71.3% of violent offenders.
It should also be noted that by the time they are seniors, almost 70 percent of high school students will have tried alcohol and half will have taken an illegal drug.(Johnston, L.D.; O’Malley, P.M.; Bachman, J.G.; and Schulenberg, J.E. Monitoring the Future National Results on Adolescent Drug Use: Overview of Key Findings, 2013. Bethesda, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2013.)
Given the fact that the recidivism rate of drug offenders is frightening and high, we MUST serve the County’s compelling interest to promote, protect and improve the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the County, particularly children, by prohibiting drug offenders from living or entering into certain areas where children are known to regularly congregate.
We MUST pass a law that provides that no drug offender shall enter into or remain within the 1,000-foot buffer zone surrounding any school, daycare center, park or playground!
For more information on the arrested prosecutor, visit:
To contact the Brevard County Commissioners:
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District 1 (Vice Chair) Commissioner Rita Pritchett Ph: (321) 607-6901 Email Commissioner |
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District 2 Commissioner Jim Barfield Ph: (321) 454-6601 Email Commissioner |
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District 3 Commissioner John Tobia Ph: (321) 633-2075 Email Commissioner |
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District 4 (Chair)Â Commissioner Curt Smith Ph: (321) 633-2044 Email Commissioner |
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District 5 Commissioner Kristine Isnardi Ph: (321) 253-6611 Email Commissione |
Tha Animals, Ive been treated like an animal. Put in chains
The ACTION needs to starts NOW. FAC has several case brewing covering many issues. They just need some money to go. SEND THEM $5 or PUT A DOLLAR BILL IN AN ENVELOPE AND MAIL IT!
P.O. Box 470932. Lake Monroe, Florida 32747-0932
A QUARTER?! They can’t just do it for us, i’m sure they would if they could!
warning: this article was taken the wrong way. 🙂 read on….
I’m sorry but I don’t care for articles like this… It’s the “low road,” looks unprofessional, and doesn’t reflect who we are as a group. An article like this says that we can’t possibly understand that this guy is doing his job, has bosses and the guy just got fired from his life’s career and will probably never work in his field again over drug addiction. Damn!! I’m sorry but that is truly life shattering (We should know!) and if i spew hate out, don’t you know i get that back somehow. Don’t mean to get all holier-than-thou, just my opinion… but you all represent, ya know? I guess it comes from my larger held belief that we can accomplish some things by figuring out what we have in common and work towards THAT besides “pressing against” all the time. (Oh Brother!) I know I know…. listen, i’m no better. get me started on lauren book and it’s on… i have my weaknesses too…but think it: we all want the damn thing here. Healthy safe families, nice place to live, safe communities…. We’re all working for the same thing! God, how can we teach them THEIR way is not the way??! thanks for the ear, ya’ll..
Very well put!
No kick him!
All cases pending he is investigating should be immediately dismissed. All proposed ordinances, laws etc in said county that he signed need to be stricken from the record. Based on use of drugs in the workplace and helping prosecution of offenses that he himself was committing. We need to be hard ass on law enforcement that go astray.
Copy of this was sent to each council member. JEV
Thanks JEV – you might want to share it with local media as well