Brevard County Commission’s Attempt to Cover up First Amendment Violations

(Weekly Update #198)

Dear Members and Advocates,

Last week the Brevard County Commissioners voted to add public meetings to the exemption of their proximity ordinance. The decision was largely kept under the radar and is still quite vague, since there was no proposed language to vote on – just a conceptual idea that they would add an exemption. Many members, particularly those in Brevard County have asked how this will impact the pending lawsuit against the County.

The immediate answer is, it won’t. The lawsuit is still pending. No amendment has been made to the ordinance yet. We don’t know what that language will look like and we don’t know what rights it will restore. We don’t know whether the County will agree to not only amend the ordinance but to reverse all the elements of the ordinance that were passed in violation of our member’s First Amendment rights and Florida’s Governing in the Sunshine Laws, and there is still the matter of damages and attorney’s fees.

That said; it is definitely a step in the right direction on several levels. First, one way or the other, we have to be optimistically hopeful that registrants will be able to enforce their constitutional right to petition their government. Second, in bringing the lawsuit, the registrant community has demonstrated that they will no longer stand idle as their rights are trampled upon. Third, to this point, Brevard County has only ratcheted up its restrictions and this action effectively forced them to face the consequences and hopefully they (and other Counties) will think twice before passing unconstitutional laws. And finally, the actions of a few brave members standing up for the rights of all of us and the courage of the Florida Justice Institute in agreeing to represent them will result in change! This is what we are hoping to accomplish through all of our efforts.

For those who have read the complaint and have followed FAC for a while, you will remember that two years ago, the Brevard County Commission voted to amend their ordinance to allow private businesses to declare themselves as parks in order to establish new exclusion zones of 1000 feet from their businesses. FAC spoke out against the ordinance. Many of our members wanted to appear at the County Commission meeting to speak out publicly against the amendment but they were not legally permitted to, because the County Commission meeting took place within an exclusion zone. When we raised this issue with the Commissioners they ignored us.

Well… they cant ignore the issue any longer.

We are hopeful that the resolution to this lawsuit will result in much more than being able to attend the County Commission meetings. At least with respect to the ordinance that was passed in knowing violation of the Governing in the Sunshine Law (businesses being able to declare themselves as parks), that ordinance should be declared void. Additionally, County Commission meetings are not the only place where our members wish the exercise their first amendment rights. We have the right to participate in discourse and association at any public event in any public forum. Not just at the designated public forum where they hold County Commission meetings, but at all the traditional public forums which have been historically recognized as open to political speech and debate.

Separately, at the time FAC members were objecting to the actions being taken by the Brevard Commissioners, we initiated a complaint to the Attorney General’s Office (see the complaint here). To date we have not heard back from the Attorney General, nor are we aware of any action taken by the Attorney General in response to our complaint.  Members are invited to follow up with the Attorney General on her investigation.

This change may have been years in the making, but it appears the time has come.


The Florida Action Committee


See Calendar of Events – Click Here for Calendar, and double click on the event to view details and RSVP instructions. Keep up with Meet-and-Greets in your area, Support groups, Membership Calls, and other events.  For questions, contact or call 833-273-7325,Option 1.

  • Join the County Coordinator Team.  Only requirement is your desire to HELP us organize your county.  Training for new Coordinators is available April 1-30,   Choose best day/time for you, join once or as often as you can: Sundays 7-8pm, Wednesdays 7-8 pm and/or Thursdays 1-2pm:  Dial (760) 548-9898.
  • Meet-and-Greet in Hillsborough April 2 from 1:00-3:00pm. RSVP (727) 731-2927 or email
  • Free Viewing of “Untouchable Documentary” April 4-7.  Link will be emailed and posted on website April 4th and available through midnight April 7th.
  • Monthly Membership Call Thursday April 7 at 8pm.  Topic: Untouchable Documentary.  Guest speaker Shawna Baldwin.  Dial 319-527-3487
  • Family Support Group (by Zoom) Sat Apr 9 from 11:00-1:00pmET
  • New Member Orientation Call Thursday April 14 at 8pm.  No Agenda.  Learn more about FAC, ask questions, get resources, volunteer. Dial 319-527-3487
  • A national conference is planned for March 2023 that includes a vigil on the steps of the United States Supreme Court.  Watch for details!


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One thought on “Brevard County Commission’s Attempt to Cover up First Amendment Violations

  • March 30, 2022

    Any on the registry who are also home owners and forced to pay taxes or face penalties. Those taxes pay for county, city and state taxes. As a tax payer you are supposed to have certain rights. Rights to visit county buildings to conduct business, sit in public hearings, etc.
    So we are forced to pay taxes for services we are not allowed to use? What is next, banning us from the library? Having to renew our drivers licenses online? We will not be allowed in an ambulance without getting written permission in advance? (Some ambulance services are operated by county fire departments).


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