Brevard County Commissioners Unanimously Pass Amendment Allowing Businesses to Certify as Parks
We didn’t expect anything otherwise, but the Brevard County Commissioners unanamously passed the Amendment allowing businesses to self-certify as parks, thereby preventing anyone on the registry from coming within 1000 feet of their businesses.
The good news is there is already a lawsuit in place.
The Commissioner’s let their contempt for ” REGISTERED CITIZENS” be well known. No Commission should be so down on any certain group of people. Their job is to put forth legislation that is fair to all, buy knowing the statistics and reasons for passing legislation for their County. It’s going to be easier for a RC to get into heaven then a restaurant in Brevard County. God forgives but seems like Brevard County Commission thinks they are above that! Vote them out!!! and get the lawsuits moving!
Do we know what businesses brought forth this whack-o idea in the first place, and what was their reasoning, beside being hateful people.? The Commissioner’s let their contempt for ” REGISTERED CITIZENS” be well known. No Commission should be so down on any certain group of people. Their job is to put forth legislation that is fair to all, buy knowing the statistics and reasons for passing legislation. It’s going to be easier for a RC to get into heaven then a restaurant in Brevard County. God forgives but seems like Brevard County Commission thinks they are above that! Vote them out!!! and get the lawsuits moving!
so im unable to see my attorney since the office is near a park. or unable to go to the post office in melbourne (hurts my business where i must ship items).
Lost soul – Seeing your attorney is an exception. You CAN see your attorney!
This is the type of animus toward an unpopular group of individuals that betrays the government’s claims that these ordinances have a nonpunitive purpose. There is absolutely no rational basis for why a registered individual providing notice less than 24 hours in advance of an open governmental meeting should not be able to attend. What is the rational basis or compelling government interest? It is arbitrary and capricious to deny this person participation in a government forum when the police already know he will be there. What possible rational basis to a nonpunitive purpose could there be? Is seating at the venue limited?
Here is the Broward County Commissioner meeting.
I think the offensive part starts at about about 53 minutes in.
I wonder where Zonka got her exaggerated recidivism percentages. I think she referenced doing a Google search. Does anyone have the link to the actual, factual numbers?
Commissioner Zonka openly cherry-picked the recidivism rates of those who had molested a child.
I have lots of actual stats. But the problem with recidivism is there is no universal standard for recidivism. Here are a few problems:
Are we talking about sex specific reoffense or rearrested for ANY offense including technical violations.
What’s the standard for determining recidivism? Rearrest, reconviction, reincarceration , or self-reporting? Each has limitations. For example, arrests can be for false allegations, reincarceration could include technical violations, self-reports are often coerced).
How long was the study? Every study has different lengths.
Are readers aware the longer a registrant is free, the less likely the registrant will reoffend? Most recidivism occurs in the first 3 years of arrest.
Are these studies purely American studies or were they “multinational” studies? Multinatioal studies tend to have higher rates because other nations have more refined laws that focus on higher risk offenses.
Were they reading the original study or just a summary? Or did they just get a random number off the Internet, or worse, a victim advocacy website? Based on another comment it seems one of the Brevard commissioners did just that. I’ve already debunked stats from Lauren’s Kids long ago and I belive they intentionaaly mislead readers.
A few years ago when I was registering my normal month, I was speaking with a guy who had just been released after getting arrested again. He was charged with a DUI, but he said the news picked up on his story and all they said was another sex offender was rearrested, making it sound like he had “Re-offended” which was not true.
The news lies so much, or twists stories around that they should be shut down for their false allegations that could get someone killed.