Brevard County Commissioners backtracking on rule prohibiting sex offenders on property

Brevard County Commissioners look set to soften a restriction prohibiting sex offenders from Commission meeting premises just months after a lawsuit was filed against them.

During Tuesday’s meeting, commissioners voted to approve legislative intent and permission to advertise amending a section of the county code regarding restrictions the county imposed on people on the sex offender registry allowing them access into buildings and other property.

“This is just legislative intent,” County Attorney Abigail Jorandby said. “We will bring back a proposed draft ordinance. And this is in relation to providing for an exemption for county government buildings for the limited purposes of conducting county businesses and accessing government services.”


20 thoughts on “Brevard County Commissioners backtracking on rule prohibiting sex offenders on property

  • March 25, 2022

    LoL, what a bunch of pieces of work. Now they start to realize just how lopsided it makes them look in the eyes of the public because of this ordinance. I hope further actions are taken against this county, because it’s ordinance laws are clearly unconstitutional!

    • March 26, 2022

      { Now they start to realize just how lopsided it makes them look in the eyes of the public } Its the public that doesn’t want us there or any where else.

      • March 27, 2022

        Sorry to say Riff Raff, but it’s not the public, it’s the politicians of that county. Most often the public isn’t even aware of such laws, let alone voicing their concerns in these regards unless it becomes big news.

  • March 25, 2022

    They only said “county” buildings. It should include city, county, state, and federal buildings.

  • March 25, 2022

    ‘ After Tuesday’s vote, Lober could be heard mumbling, “I told you so,” under his breath.’

  • March 25, 2022

    After rereading the article, I noticed this statement from the only commissioner who opposed the ordinance that restricts people forced to register from attending county meetings: “After Tuesday’s vote, Lober could be heard mumbling, “I told you so,” under his breath”. Lober is apparently the only one who has any sense.

  • March 25, 2022

    Their proposed restriction was absolutely, outrageously absurd!! 😡
    What the Hell were they thinking with this clearly illegal attempt to exclude tax-paying* citizens from attending these public meetings!? Seriously, WTF?!! 🤬
    Every f**king member of that Commission is VERY aware of Sunshine laws requiring public meetings be open to the public…. ALL members of the public! 😡

    *Anyone who lives in Florida who purchases almost anything pays sales tax.

  • March 25, 2022

    Yeah, now they back down — because they got sued. This is what it takes, folks! Great job, FAC and Plantiffs and Plantiffs attorneys. Keep em against the ropes!


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