Beyond voting, politicians don’t want people on the sex offender registry campaigning.

In Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis announced a special state-wide election police to investigate people who cast a vote illegally and charge them with “election fraud”. Among those arrested and prosecuted were people on the sex offender registry who didn’t know they were not allowed to vote, but did anyhow after they were issued voter registration cards. The state’s constitution bars their automatic restoration of civil rights.

Now, in Illinois, CBS 2 Political Investigator Dana Kozlov found one of the people who gathered signatures for a Mayoral candidate is a registered sex offender. In a story (if you can believe this is actually newsworthy) she writes that one of the individuals who collected signatures for the candidate is on the registry. When the reported raised that “concern” to the candidate, “Garcia’s campaign manager said Munoz “is not and was never a member of our staff nor on our payroll.” Garcia’s campaign manager goes on to say they will ensure that Munoz does not interact with the campaign again.”

The story goes on to explain that certain people on the registry can’t go within 500 feet of schools, etc., but the story doesn’t allege that the individual collected his signatures and did his campaigning next to schools or parks. What if he stood outside a grocery store? And the collection of signatures from registered voters doesn’t, in any way, correlate to his interacting with children, since you need to be 18 to vote.

Would someone please explain the issue here? Why can’t someone exercise their first amendment right to help promote a political candidate?

You can find Dana Kozlov on Twitter @DanaCBS2


11 thoughts on “Beyond voting, politicians don’t want people on the sex offender registry campaigning.

  • December 22, 2022

    Being on the registry is the societal equivalent of being made of radioactive plutonium. They want to bury it in the deepest whole they can dig and forget it ever existed. I knew this well when they told me my charge. I also knew I didn’t need a “conviction” for my career to be over. The arrest alone was enough.

  • December 22, 2022

    Just ReRegestered, my have to sheet is longer now, there’s a paragraph that says if you’re a convicted of
    Certain sex crimes, you cannot vote or apply to vote or you will be arrested..

    • December 22, 2022

      I have been engaging the public in salons and barber shops to get people elected by sharpening scissors in the name of selective candidates. It has worked greatly I did it while on the registry.

  • December 22, 2022

    Does this mean that registered citizens no longer have to pay taxes?

    • December 26, 2022

      Bob, I’ve been screaming that for years. So many public services that our tax dollars pay for, yet so many we are not allowed to use. I’ve never had a problem with paying my fair share of taxes, but its unfair and unjust for us to pay for services we’re not allowed to use.

      • December 28, 2022

        I could not agree more!

  • December 26, 2022

    They don’t want us campaigning because we’re endorsing people who are anti registry…

  • December 29, 2022

    I was convicted in Michigan, where my right to vote was never taken. I live in Florida and my right to vote was never mentioned verbally or in writing. I voted in the election here. Now I have one more stress factor related to the registration…I may be arrested.

    • December 29, 2022

      You should really touch base with legal counsel about this. They are not playing around with this voter fraud BS.

    • December 29, 2022

      Folks, if you’re worried about this sort of thing, don’t post it here. As the sgt says, consult with an attorney.

  • January 9, 2023

    is “subject to registration” the same as “required to register”?


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