Bahamas may change legislation after sex offender dies

The Bahamas government says it is likely to re-examine the measures under which sex offenders are publicly released from prison after one man died in hospital a few days after his release.

National Security Minister Wayne Munroe told reporters that an investigation has been launched into Scott’s death and warned that the public should refrain from issuing vigilante justice.

He hinted at the possibility of the authorities discontinuing public notification if it is found that Scott had been physically assaulted upon his release.

“If we find that it happened in circumstances that it was abundantly clear that you have vigilantes who will hunt and kill persons of which there is public notification…we will have to see what other steps can be taken,” Munroe said.


12 thoughts on “Bahamas may change legislation after sex offender dies

  • June 2, 2022

    This is a huge concern for me living in a small town in Indiana now. There are things I have to do, go to the store, get gas, etc. I’m sure I’ve been recognized. I’m not concerned for my safety at all, do me a favor and take me out. But I’m more worried about my kids or wife getting bullied or seeing someone try to hurt me. Makes no sense that people can’t understand that and have sympathy for my family.

  • June 2, 2022

    They can make that assessment by googling sex offender vigilante justice. I believe I read an article recently where a man traveled across the country to set fire to a home supposedly registered to 3 sex offenders, except it was the wrong house or it was old information, something to that effect & he nearly killed a family. Seen another on Facebook where the man went on a sex offender hunting spree for what I percieve as an attempt to redeem his life of crime with vigilante justice. I think I’ve read more failed attempts at vigilante justice than I’ve read about them being successful. In one instance I remember a 4 year old girl was shot to death as the completely missed his target.

    The internet is full of prime examples to dispense with public notice… or to at minimum utilize it solely for those classified as an imminent public risk… which is like 1% of 1% of all Registered Citizens in the United States

  • June 2, 2022

    Someone needs to contact the Bahamian authorities with the correct information so they can make the right changes that are based on truth instead of emotion. The fact that someone is actually trying to do the right thing is amazing.
    Just a shame lives have to be lost to effect change.

    • June 2, 2022

      David – that someone can be you!

  • June 1, 2022

    Happens all the time here in the U.S and ZERO sympathy for us. Rather, the public celebrates when one of us is attacked or killed. Heck, I see big pick-up trucks all the time driving around with bumper stickers that say, “Predator Patrol” and “Kill your local sex offender”.

    And do not even get me started with law enforcement when we try and make a report of being abused, attacked or the victim of a vandal or vigilante. Standard response from dispatchers “You can file a report online”. And you guessed it, no follow up as the report probably auto deletes.

    At least one country sees there just “Might” be that forbidden word, Punishment involved. And the Bahamas is not a super progressive country as we pretend to be. Perhaps they actually are more advanced than we are, in the compassion category.

    And in almost no cases of ex offenders being killed or attacked, is it the victim of their crime getting revenge. ( Sex based offenses ) It is almost always a vigilante who doesn’t even live on the same street of the registered person or have any connection to them.

    Make it happen Bahamas, do what we won’t and do the right thing.

    • June 2, 2022

      I tweeted the official mentioned in the article. You may want to do that also.

  • June 1, 2022

    The possibility of vigilante justice has always been here for us. It is scary for us, our family and our property!. It will never go away!. I hate putting my mom in this situation. I also have had numerous scam calls that terrify my mom!. She worry’s that if someone has the potential to make scam calls, what else could happen?. It’s not fair to all family members to have to live with these laws. God forbid if anything ever happens to her or her property or anyone else on the registry. The state of Florida will be liable as far as I am concerned!!.

  • June 1, 2022

    To the best of my knowledge, I’m surprised that a murder under similar circumstances hasn’t happened in this country. I know that I am not alone in having been harassed or threatened. Some of the others here have shared stories of vandalism.
    I am jaundiced enough to have my doubts that law enforcement would do anything.

    • June 2, 2022

      Multiple murders have happened.

      • June 2, 2022

        I believe it. I forgot about the registrant murdered in Omaha. Pardon me for my momentary lapse of memory

        • June 2, 2022

          There were two in Washington in 2012, two in Maine in 2006, etc. And in Florida a couple years back a guy was apprehended trying to firebomb someone.


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