Ethics and Religion Talk: Should congregations welcome sexual offenders?

Rabbi David J.B. Krishef asks leaders of different religious congregations, “How would your congregation receive sex-offenders as participants in worship and other activities?” Their answers demonstrate religious leaders are insightful, enlightened and informed on the issues. Fred Stella, the Pracharak (Outreach Minister) for the West Michigan Hindu Temple, responds: “West Michigan Hindu Temple has not had to deal with this

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Lisa Ling to feature “Age of Consent” on CNN’s ‘This is Life’

Lisa Ling  CNN special on Teen Sex Offenders This Sunday, at 10PM EST, CNN will air ‘This is Life, with Lisa Ling’ This week’s topic is “Age of Consent” and it talks about the legal and social consequences of convicting adolescents and young adults of sex offenses; when teenage sexuality crosses the line and becomes a crime. How Sex Offender

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CO Gazette: U.S. court ruling sparks debate over Colorado’s sex offender registry

When David sifted through the mail the morning of his 18th birthday, he hoped to find cards with money. Instead, he received a warrant for his arrest. The charge: statutory rape. It was 2007, and the 17-year-old junior basketball star had recently moved to a small Missouri town, population less than 500, and almost immediately started dating a girl who

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The Dobbs Wire: Major changes to California registry – governor signs reform bill

California:  Major changes are coming to the country’s largest (over 105,000 individuals) and oldest (1947) sex offense registry.  Anyone registered in California is listed for life; the state had become an outlier, one of just four states with such a harsh lifetime-registration law.  Soon California will have a so-called tiered sex offense registry, the same type of scarlet letter machinery

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Amended Complaint Filed in Miami-Dade SORR Challenge

News Regarding Florida Sex Offender Registry Laws An Amended Complaint was filed this week in the Miami-Dade Sex Offender Residency Restriction challenge. The original action, which was brought in 2014 by the Florida Action Committee and Individuals who were legislated into homelessness by the Miami-Dade Ordinance which prevented registered sex offenders from living within 2500 feet of a school, was

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Indiana court rules that sex with 16-year-olds is fine, but sexting them is not

Having sex with a 16-year-old in Indiana is legal but sending one nude photos isn’t, the Indiana Supreme Court ruled this week. The court’s unanimous 5-0 ruling means that Sameer Thakar, a former teacher at North Central High School, will go on trial for allegedly sending a 16-year-old girl from Oregon a nude image of himself in 2014, The Indianapolis

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Registered Sex Offender Killed While in Department of Corrections Custody

News about Florida Sexual Offenders A man incarcerated at the Wakulla Correctional Institute Annex, a Florida prison, was killed on Monday. He was a sex offender being held in a protective management program at the prison. While very few details are being released concerning his death, the 36 year old man was said to have been killed by another inmate.

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Must Listen: Michigan’s sex offender registry needs reform, U.S. Supreme Court decides

News from SCOTUS on Sex Offender Laws Please click the link below to hear J.J. Prescott, a University of Michigan law professor and expert on sex offender laws, talk about the state of the sex offender registry in Michigan, in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision not to review a lower court’s ruling that the registry violates Ex Post

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The Dobbs Wire: Bittersweet

Bittersweet news from the US Supreme Court:  The court was asked to review two sex offense-related rulings;  yesterday the court said no to both requests.     Here’s the bitter part:  the court refused to review a federal appeals court decision (8th Circuit) concerning Minnesota’s sex offense civil commitment program.  More than 700 individuals are held in locked facilities for

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