Couple Harassed After Police Mistakenly List Their House as Sex Offender Residence

Who says the registry is not punishment…..???   A clerical error resulted in a Texas couple having angry neighbors yelling outside their home, after postcards went out saying that a sex offender lived there. The notices, sent out by the Texas Department of Public Safety, went out to residents within a four block radius of the house where Michelle Swindle and her

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(re)Integration, Risk Management & Public Protection

The following blog post originally appeared at:   Recently, I have been in conversations with academics and professionals about the effectiveness of offender reintegration programmes, risk management and public protection. There seems to be an idea that “risk management” is an evil concept and a by-line for punitive state control, which is worrying. A notion that public protection means

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Collateral Consequences

The following is a summary from The Federal Defenders New York Blog.  It was posted on Wed. May 25, 2016. It was contributed by an FAC Board Member.   The Issue of Collateral Consequences is ‘catching the eye’ of federal judges.  When I attended the recent Federal Sentencing Conf. in Orlando, the federal judges more than once referenced the issue

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Pokemon Go

This article isn’t a joke… it actually appeared on Jax4:   JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — “Pokemon Go” has people from around the world looking for digital creatures with smart phones, even in front of sex offender’s homes. Action News Jax reporter Cole Heath found Pokemon feet a registered sex offender’s home. Some homes where registered predators on the Florida Department of

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Sex offenders convicted & released before '93 left off state-run list

The Florida Sexual Offenders and Predators registry was created in October 1993 for sexual predators. It was expanded to include sexual offenders in 1997. It included those who were convicted and released on or after October 1, 1993. Many people who have committed crimes before the list was created were also added. “It’s reaching pretty far back. We have people,

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Request from Radio Host

My name is Natalie Jablonski, and I’m a producer at Minnesota Public Radio. I’ve been doing some research into the history of sex offender laws and how they impact registrants and their families. Thank you so much to everyone who reached out to me in the past few months to talk about this issue!  I’m still looking for people who

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Meet a ‘Violent Sexual Predator’ and Marvel at Our Broken System for Dealing With Sex Offenders

The note in my inbox was straightforward, and suicidal: “I don’t have much time left and that brings me some comfort. I can’t even imagine a life of freedom and happiness anymore. I hope my story will at least help people understand the grey areas of this stigma.” It was signed “Mikey,” short for Michael Pascal, age 33, a warehouse

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