Job Opportunity for Registrants

The following was submitted to FAC:   I have immediate openings for part-time help. I started HomePro Telecommunications because I’ve heard from so many people that they simply cannot find work because of their background. This is a great opportunity to get back on your feet. The job involves using your computer to make phone calls from the comfort of

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IML – Results of the July 27th Hearing

On July 27th, the Court held a hearing on the Government’s Motion to Dismiss a lawsuit challenging the implementation of the International Megan’s Law. Paul, from reported the following in an email to RTAG members: “I went to the hearing on the Government’s effort to dismiss the IML lawsuit.   Janice Bellucci represented California RSOL as the federal government filed

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California RSOL is rebranding itself to service registrants beyond California.

CaliforniaRSOL, one of the most successful advocacy group for reform of sex offender registration and management has decided to change it’s name to the “Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws.” This morning, California RSOL President, Janice Bellucci, circulated an email informing members and associates of the new name and their Board’s reason for changing it:         California Reform Sex Offender Laws

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Judge criticizes federal sentencing guidelines in pornography case

A federal judge in Denver has sentenced a man convicted of a child pornography charge to the mandatory minimum 10 years in prison while criticizing the rigidity of the federal sentencing guidelines that he says prevented him from giving a more appropriate, shorter sentence. U.S. District Court Senior Judge John Kane also sentenced Shawn Cheever, 45, to 15 years of

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SMART Office Holds National Symposium On Sex Offender Management And Accountability

WASHINGTON, July 26, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The Department of Justice’s Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering and Tracking (SMART) will mark the 10-year anniversary of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act (AWA) of 2006 at the 2016 National Symposium on Sex Offender Management and Accountability today through July 27, in Kansas City, Missouri. “In 10 short

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Member Submission: Response to registration of minors

In response to the “5-year-old allegedly raped by 13-year-old” my heart goes out to the 5-year-old and family. These situations are happening more and more and the public needs to be educated. The mother wanting to enforce a Juvenile Sex Offender Registry doesn’t understand the negative effects that has on adolescents. It has been stated that making adolescents register can

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All Lives Matter

“All Lives Matter.” That seems to be the catchphrase of the summer. It was started by the “Black Lives Matter” movement in response to police shootings of African American men for no apparent reason other than a prevailing sentiment (and, to be honest, prejudice) that the value of one race is less than another and killing them is justified because

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