Hearing to enjoin Englewood, CO SORR to be heard today

Today, at 2PM, the Federal Court in Colorado will hear oral arguments and plaintiff testimony in a motion for preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order preventing the city of Englewood, Colorado from enforcing it’s sex offender residency restriction (SORR). The request for emergency hearing was filed last week on behalf of four registered citizens who were given 30 days to

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Judges Are Starting to Question Overzealous Sex-Offender Laws

There’s a stark divide between lawmakers and experts when it comes to laws which restrict where registered sex offenders can live. Cities and states all around the country have enthusiastically banned offenders from living too close to schools — and introduced other, similarly oriented restrictions — on the grounds that such legislation is a common-sense way to help keep kids

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New Study on Sex Offender Regulations

A new study appearing in a recent issue of the Connecticut Law Review analyzed the effectiveness of post-release regulations on sex offenders and their impact on sex offender recidivism. Like virtually every study on this topic that came before it, this study’s conclusion is that there is essentially no reliable evidence that these laws work to reduce sex offender recidivism

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Appeals Court Issues Scathing Ruling Against Michigan Sex Offender Penalties

Like so many states, Michigan is addicted to punishing sex offenders—not just once, but over and over again, through a series of measures designed to shame, stigmatize, and ostracize even those offenders who have been fully rehabilitated. On Thursday, the application of these laws to a large group of offenders was invalidated by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the

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Excellent News: Michigan's Sex Offender Act Unconstitutional

The 6th Circuit today declared Michigan’s sex offender registry unconstitutional and as grounds; it being EX POST FACTO PUNISHMENT!!! This news is HUGE, since Michigan’s SORA reads much like Florida’s. The link to the opinion and and a news article are below.   In its opinion in Doe v. Snyder, the Sixth Circuit has concluded that the 2006 and 2011

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Update on Cruises for Registered Citizens from RTAG

Cruise Line travel for Registrants     We can give definitive information as to Registrant travel as it pertains to cruise lines. RCL:  To date, Royal Caribbean uses a “Security team” to review passenger data to determine who maybe a registrant.   When discovered,  the resistant and their family are sent a letter requesting    1.  Confirmation that the registrant has informed their

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Internet Identifier Update

A scheduling conference was held this morning on our Internet Identifier case. Here’s the schedule: Government’s response to our motion to proceed anonymously is due August 29, 2016 and our reply is due September 2nd. Until further ruling on the motion to proceed anonymously, a protective order is entered. The government’s response to our Motion for Preliminary Injunction is due

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Minnesota Civil Commitment Center releases it's FIRST detainee

The long legal battle facing the Minnesota Civil Commitment center seems to be chipping away at the doors of the gate as the first ever detainee was released today.     A Minnesota court has ordered the first-ever full and unconditional discharge from Minnesota’s sex offender treatment program, choosing a young man who has spent the past six years in

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Why does the government not stop the proliferation of CP, when it can?

A recent case came out of the 10th Circuit which described AOL’s (the Internet Service Provider) ability to scan digital images and detect which ones are illegal pornography based on a “hash value.” The court described it as follows, “AOL’s automated filter works by identifying the hash value of images attached to emails sent through it’s mail servers. Those values

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Florida Appeals Court Clarifies Reporting Requirements After a Move

On August 18, the 1st District Court of Appeals in Florida ordered the acquittal of a registered citizen who was charged with failing to report to the sheriff’s office within 48 hours of moving. The appellate court pointed out that the relevant statute, 943.0435(4), provides that registered citizens are required to report to the drivers’ license office within 48 hours

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