Excerpt from Sex-Crime and Punishment

In the U.S., sexual violence is widespread and deeply disturbing.  Perhaps most troubling, most incidents of sexual violence – be it rape, sexual assault or intimate partner violence – is woefully underreported.  No one really knows how widespread sexual violence is in America. Nevertheless, sexual violence is an all-American indulgence, mostly perpetuated by males against females and children/youths.  Two decades

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Washington Post: Sex offender laws and the 6th Circuit’s Ex Post Facto Clause ruling

By David Post September 7 I wanted to add a few words to co-blogger Jonathan Adler’s posting about the recent 6th Circuit decision in Doe v. Snyder, in which the court voided application of the Michigan Sex Offender Registration Act (SORA) on the grounds that it imposes retroactive punishment on previously convicted sex offenders in violation of the constitutional prohibition against Ex Post

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CA: Halloween Sign Requirement GONE!

SOURCE The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) has agreed to permanently eliminate on a statewide basis its requirement that registrants post a sign on their residences on Halloween. This agreement is the result of a lawsuit filed in 2015 by California RSOL and two individual plaintiffs in San Diego and Los Angeles. “In the past, CDCR placed registrants

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Call To Action: State Department to Brand Passports

This is an important call to action. We urge members to contact the US State Department and their Legislators in response to the State Department’s notice that they will be implementing the unique identifier provision of the recently enacted International Megan’s Law. The text of the notice can be found here: https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2016-09-02/html/2016-21087.htm In summary, it states; The final rule incorporates

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Minnesota Man Confesses to Killing of Jacob Wetterling

A Minnesota man confessed Tuesday to abducting and killing 11-year-old Jacob Wetterling nearly 27 years ago, putting to rest a mystery that had haunted the state and led to changes in national sex offender laws. Danny Heinrich made the admission as he pleaded guilty to federal child pornographycharges that could put him behind bars for decades. Asked whether he abducted,

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