Designed to fail: Sexual predators are wandering the streets

Laws intended to provide the public with the whereabouts of sexual predators have backfired in many cases. Penniless ex-felons often are forced into homelessness, creating unanticipated hazards for the very citizens the laws were created to protect. These laws, which prevent sex offenders from living in close proximity to schools and other places, have exploded in recent decades. At the

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WE WILL GET OUR DAY IN COURT! 11th Circuit Reverses SORR Dismissal

The order just came in from the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals and the news is great! The federal appellate court reversed the lower court that dismissed our Sex Offender Residency Restriction challenge. The ACLU filed a lawsuit on behalf of the Florida Action Committee and several John Does who were put into homelessness because of the Sex Offender Residency

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A law intended to identify the whereabouts of sexual predators has backfired.

“A law intended to identify the whereabouts of sexual predators has backfired.” The statement is an excerpt from a story that appeared on about the unintended consequences of residency restrictions in Duval County. The article points out that the well intended yet completely counterproductive law has put the public safety at risk. Limited housing options for registered citizens has

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If you've received a notice from FDLE…

Many people are writing or calling to let us know that they received an email notification from FDLE about the new requirements coming into effect. Please know that this notice was sent to all registrants, not you individually and concern the recently enacted enhancements to the registration requirements that have been discussed extensively on our site. If you would like

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Anthony Weiner accused of sexting relationship with 15-year-old girl

Disgraced former lawmaker Anthony Weiner had a months-long online relationship with a 15-year-old girl, whom he asked to dress up in school uniforms and be part of “rape fantasies,” according to an explosive report Wednesday. The unidentified high school student claimed she was a sophomore in January when she first connected with the “Carlos Danger” politician, reported. Weiner knew

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Florida growing friendlier to criminal-justice reform, poll indicates

Floridians may be rethinking their throw-the-book-at-’em approach to crime, a poll released Monday suggests. The survey by The James Madison Institute and the Charles Koch Institute found that 72 percent of Floridians agreed or strongly agreed it is important to reform criminal justice. Seventy-five percent agreed or strongly agreed the prison population costs the country too much money. And almost

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In Arizona, Parents Could Go to Jail for Changing Their Kids' Diapers

What’s the difference between a parent changing his baby’s diaper and a child molester fondling a 12-year-old’s breasts? In Arizona, that’s a trick question—because, legally, there is no difference. In a state Supreme Court ruling that came out last week, the justices determined that intentionally or knowingly touch the private parts of a child under age 15 is automatically a

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