Preliminary Injunction GRANTED!!!

The Judge’s Order was just filed in our Motion seeking to enjoin the enforcement of the Internet Identifier changes and WE WON!!! Here is an excerpt from the decision: The definition is hopelessly vague, chills speech protected by the First Amendment, and is far broader than necessary to serve the state’s legitimate interest in deterring or solving online sex crimes.

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Orlando Sentinel: I'm an ex-sex offender. Florida should use fact, not emotion, to write laws.

Today, Captain Bob Munsey, who is a contributor to the Orlando Sentinel and happens to be a registered citizen, had an Opinion piece featured in the Sentinel (article appears below). Captain Munsey enlisted in the Naval Air Reserve in 1962 and received a presidential appointment to the US Naval Academy from President Kennedy (one of only one hundred nationwide). He

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Reporting Internet Identifiers

We’ve received a tremendous amount of member inquiries regarding the new Internet Identifier requirements that go into effect Saturday. There was a hearing on a Motion for a Temporary Restraining Order enjoining the Internet Identifier provisions of the Sex Offender Registration Law. The Motion was heard and the Judge will hopefully be rendering an opinion soon. Until an order has

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Whatever Happened to Jose "Pepe" Diaz's DUI?

It’s been a while without any follow-up in the news about Commissioner Diaz’s DUI arrest, so we thought we would check. Turns out… NO SURPRISE… he was acquitted. Proving, yet again, that if you’re politically connected you can pretty much get away with anything, including endangering others. As you’d also expect, the May acquittal didn’t make many headlines. Apparently despite

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Designed to fail: Solutions for sexual predator residency requirements

Last of three parts. The image of a state employee dropping off a mentally ill sexual predator to fend for himself on the streets of Jacksonville would seem laughable — if it weren’t true. But that’s precisely what happened to 53-year-old Carl Saucer, a convicted sexual predator who had served his time. In February he ended up sleeping on a

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104 sex offenders sue Idaho over its registry laws

More than 100 sex offenders are challenging Idaho’s laws that require registration and community notification of sex offenders, saying the laws violate an array of constitutional rights, from the prohibition on double jeopardy to freedom of religion. Twin Falls lawyer Greg Fuller sued Thursday in Boise federal court on behalf of 104 unnamed sexual offenders, identified as John or Jane

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The Dobbs Wire: A win in the 11th Circuit today!

A win in the 11th Circuit today!  Miami-Dade is infamous for encampments of homeless registrants, permanent housing very scarce because of residency restrictions.  Despite national media attention to bad laws that had people living under the Julia Tuttle Causeway–courts haven’t been much help.  Now there’s an interesting development.  A lawsuit in federal court challenging those residency restrictions had been dismissed. 

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Bad News: IML Challenge Dismissed

The International Megan’s Law challenge brought in the Northern District of California was dismissed. According to Janice Bellucci, who represented the plaintiffs (and all registrants), there is no plan to give up and accept that international travel will forever be impeded, that our lives will be placed in jeopardy when we travel and that our passports will be branded just

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