Sex-offender registry adds costs without protecting public

COLUMBIA, SC Last month, a new chapter was written in one of America’s oldest real-life murder mysteries. The body of 11-year-old Jacob Wetterling was finally found, 27 years after his abduction. Jacob’s gun-point abduction shocked the nation and spawned a network of state sex-offender registries, South Carolina’s among them. But extensive research since then has raised serious questions about the

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Alabama's 2000 foot work restriction laws are so absurd, even responding to a fire too close to a school is a violation

Alabama’s 2000 work restriction laws are very absurd. I’ve been told stories by many individuals that the work restrictions are so vague, I’ve been told delivery or truck drivers could not deliver within 2000 feet of restricted zones nor could registrants work day labor or make house calls in restricted zones. Yet, until I didn’t have much in the way

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The Dobbs Wire: Courts Addressing Issues Legislators Will Not

Banishment zones for those on the sex offense registry are euphemistically known as ‘residency restrictions.’   In 2015, the top court in Massachusetts struck down such local banishment schemes and, in its ruling, gave them a Bronx cheer:   “Except for the incarceration of persons under the criminal law and the civil commitment of mentally ill or dangerous persons, the days are

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Clarification Regarding New Laws In Effect for October 1, 2016

Below is the summary provided from the Department of Corrections. _____________________   Two bills (HB 1333 and HB 545) passed in the 2016 Legislative Session affecting sexual offender/ predator registration processes in Florida. The changes are notated below and take effect on 10/1/16. 1. “Change in status at an institution of higher education” means the commencement or termination of enrollment,

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Prosecutor Wants to Charge 14-Year-Old Girl with Sexual Exploitation for Taking PG-13 Pictures of Herself

A 14-year-old Iowa girl, “Nancy Doe,” is facing sexual exploitation charges for taking two sexy pictures of a minor and texting them to a boy at school. The minor in question is Doe, which means the Marion County prosecutor has essentially threatened to brand her a sex offender for taking and sending pictures of her own body. Making matters significantly

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Former Inmate, Matt Duhamel Hosts Video Podcast On America’s Criminal Justice System

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Already an established independent filmmaker with five film credits under his belt, Matt Duhamel has now set his sights on a weekly video podcast about America’s broken criminal justice system. ‘Solitary Nation’, which is available in both video and audio format on Google Play Music and Stichter, is an interview style show on important subjects such as

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Member Submission: Encouraging Oral Arguments

If you would like to be encouraged and listen to some court oral arguments regarding WINNING cases on sex offender laws as well as footage of those who are speaking out, feel free to visit my youtube page   Personally, I find it totally fascinating to hear the actual words and reaction of these judges when presented with our cases. 

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