FAC to be Featured on Radio Show

WFLA/Tampa news anchor, Dana Mills, interviewed Florida Action Committee President, Gail Colletta today for a news report on FAC’s petition, sent to Governor Rick Scott, to clean up the registry. Last month, FAC sent a petition to the Florida Governor’s office asking that the thousands of individuals appearing on the Florida Sex Offender Registry who moved out of state, are

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A University at Albany assistant professor has begun looking into how sex offender registries reveal the inequalities of the criminal justice system. The findings of Trevor Hoppe, an assistant professor of sociology, have been published in his paper, “Punishing Sex: Sex Offenders and the Missing Punitive Turn in Sexuality Studies.” The study indicates that approximately 1 percent of African American

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Sex offender registries need reform

Twenty-five years ago, with activist Patty Wetterling by his side, Minnesota governor Arne Carlson signed America’s first law establishing a public registry system for sex offenders. The law, which Wetterling helped to write, aimed to give police a starting point for tracking down sexual predators like Danny Heinrich, the man who had kidnapped, molested and murdered Patty’s son, Jacob Wetterling.

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Boy charged with sex offense

Another reason why more resources should be spent on education….   DESTIN — A 13-year-old Destin boy was charged with a felony sex offense after being accused of fondling a victim younger than age 16. An adult reported the abuse, saying she found the two in a room and the victim’s shorts were down around her knees. The boy said

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International Travel: Registrant Travel Matrix

Since the implementation of International Megan’s Law (IML), registered citizens have been required to report international travel to their local sheriffs. In turn, their travel plans have been transmitted to the US Marshall’s, who, through the “Angel Watch” program, inform the receiving country of a registrant’s intended travel there. Although the overwhelming majority of people travel internationally for business, to

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Halloween Articles

From: http://restoringintegritytovirginiaregistry.blogspot.com/   Over the years of advocating for data-driven laws and reform here I’ve learned the worst time of year for Myth-Based and Hysteria-Driven articles, policies and laws is Halloween. Halloween can be more emotionally draining than the annual Virginia General Assembly in Richmond. So over the years I’ve also gathered all the sane and research-based articles and studies

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GEO Group hires more lobbyists

Boca Raton, FL based private prison company, GEO Group has hired additional lobbyists to work in Washington. The company which has contracts with State and Federal prison systems to operate facilities is also the subject of a recent class action lawsuit brought by it’s shareholders, who blame the company’s stock decline on, among other thing, failing to disclose that facilities

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Sex offender law reform group calls ban on registered offenders at NC State Fair ‘outrageous’

RALEIGH, N.C. (WNCN) —The North Carolina chapter of Reform Sex Offender Laws (RSOL) is speaking out against the new law banning registered sex offenders from attending the North Carolina State Fair. The State Fair is now underway and will run through Oct. 23. The group said in a press release that “For the first time since 1891, thousands of North

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Protecting your children from "uniformed predators"

The term “uniformed predators” was used in an interesting online blog post referring to police who over-zealously investigate common teenage misbehavior. The post referred to a recent case out of Iowa, where a 14 year old girl had texted pictures of herself which at best could be described as “suggestive” but by no means were pornographic or even nude. When

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