Geo Group CEO ‘very pleased’ by ‘improved occupancy rates’ at private prisons

Reading this story on, you almost forget they are talking about human lives. The CEO of Geo Group, the Florida-based private prison company that operates facilities across the US, including the Florida Civil Commitment Center for Civilly Committed Sex Offenders who are held indefinitely, was talking about how happy he was about the company’s third quarter results. Essentially, they

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FDLE Helps Spread Halloween Fear Through False Statements

Robert Moon, who “helps manage the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s sex offender registry” according to this Tallahassee, FL news story, is quoted as saying, “Everybody on the website has committed a felony or they’ve committed a crime in another jurisdiction that would equate to a felony here in Florida.” That’s a lie. There are plenty on the Florida registry

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WPTV: Sex offenders have strict Halloween instructions

On Tuesday night, law enforcement will be out making sure sex offenders are following the rules. The Florida Department of Corrections says sex offenders are given strict instructions on Halloween: Do not give out candy or other treats. Turn off porch lights, close blinds. No outside decorations to attract children. Do not answer the door to trick-or-treaters. Do not dress in costumes or

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“Unique Identifier” revealed for Sex Offender Passports

The US Department of State issued a press release friday announcing the “unique identifier it will be using for the passports of covered sex offenders. it reads:   On February 8, 2016, Congress enacted the International Megan’s Law to Prevent Child Exploitation and Other Sexual Crimes Through Advanced Notification of Traveling Sex Offenders (IML) (Public Law 114-119). The IML prohibits

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Will someone please correct Jacksonville’s First Coast News?

As a follow-up to our post from earlier today, which can be seen here: Jacksonville’s First Coast News has put up a scare story. Please help educate First Coast News by encouraging them not to perpetuate unfounded fear and actually write something to improve public safety? This story has a place for comments.

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Will someone please correct WFTV9 Orlando?

With Halloween approaching, we monitor the local news stations, waiting for the Halloween scare stories to come out. This morning, Orlando’s ABC affiliate, WFTV put one out, suggesting, “parents can also take matters into their own hands by searching online to find out where in their neighborhood registered sex offenders live” in order to make their children safer this Halloween.

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Indiana registrants are free to attend Churches

One week after registrants in Indiana were victorious in a legal challenge to compelled sex offender treatment classes, they were handed another victory in being able to attend churches. The Indiana Court of Appeals ordered a trial court to grant a permanent injunction barring the state from arresting sex offenders for attending churches that hold Sunday schools or offer child

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Child victims of ECSO deputy sex ring file lawsuit against agency, Sheriff Morgan

The twin minors victimized in a sex ring with their mother, stepfather and other Escambia County Sheriff’s Office personnel have filed a federal lawsuit claiming Sheriff David Morgan allowed the activities. The girls, now both adults, were sexually assaulted by ECSO Deputy Walter Thomas; their stepfather, ECSO Deputy Doug Manning; and their mother, ECSO Nurse Leah Manning, for a period around 2014 when they

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