Lawsuit challenges Tennessee sex offender registry

Retroactive enforcement of Tennessee’s sex offender registry law is being challenged in a federal court lawsuit that mimics a separate, successful appeal that led to the nullification of retroactive laws in Michigan. The case, filed Tuesday in U.S. District Court in Nashville, argues that Tennessee’s registration laws are illegally applied retroactively. It notes that the laws and restrictions on those offenders have

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The Dobbs Wire: UPDATE on that MN banishment story – residency restrictions

UPDATE:  Patty Wetterling gave a presentation last week at a Birchwood Village, MN city council meeting—and may have convinced some to set down their pitchforks.  It was a timely visit as Birchwood has been wracked with controversy–whether to reintegrate individuals who are on the sex offense registry or legally banish them from living in the town; similar controversies rage around

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Another Scare Piece on WFTV 9 in Orlando

When WFTV news asked FAC president, Gail Colletta, to participate in a news piece on Sex Offender clustering, we were weary of the opportunity, considering WFTV’s history of fear-mongering and myth spreading. Still, we thought it would be a good opportunity to educate the viewers on how the residency restrictions are counter-productive and classification of registrants should be risk based,

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NJ: Justices Consider Appeal of Sex Offender's Total Internet Ban

The New Jersey Supreme Court is considering whether parole rules totally prohibiting internet access for sex offenders on lifetime parole are constitutional. A lawyer representing a convicted sex offender asked the court on Nov. 7 to strike down the state parole board’s total internet ban for his client, identified only as J.I., arguing that it violates the offender’s free speech

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International “Sex Offender’ Registries Expand and Proliferate

The number of “sex offender” registries continues to expand and proliferate, according to a recently released federal government report. There are now 24 nations that have existing “sex offender” registries as well as an additional 16 nations that have considered or are considering the creation of “sex offender” registries. The 24 nations that currently have registries are Argentina, Australia, Bahamas,

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False Fear: Halloween Haunts Registered Sex Offenders

Candy and costumes cover the Tri-State on Halloween night, often under the watchful eye of mom and dad. But who’s watching the people who can’t be seen? Whether it’s called “Operation Trick or Treat,” or “Halloween Search,” or any other name with a black and orange theme, law enforcement across the country check up on registered sex offenders on the

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SCOTUS to Hear Sex Offender Internet Identifier Case

The Supreme Court agreed Friday to decide whether North Carolina can ban registered sex offenders from using social media websites and other sites that allow minors to have accounts.   The North Carolina General Assembly enacted a law in 2008 that bans the use of “commercial social networking websites” by registered sex offenders.   Lester Packingham had been convicted six years

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