CBS12 continues feud with sex offenders

Today, CBS12 put out another scare piece that begins, “Our schools and playgrounds have become a home for sex offenders.” With no shortage of inflammatory statements, such as “registered offenders are eyeing schools too”, “offenders are also getting creative” and “it sounds frightening because it is”, the piece omits all objectivity. They write, “three years later transient sex offenders in

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There’s Now Hard Evidence that Registries and Residency Restrictions Increase Re-offense Rates

With the election of Donald Trump, reporters who follow criminal justice reform expect a harder line on issues of crime and sentencing. Trump ran as a law-and-order President who will cut crime–though long-term crime rates have fallen dramatically since the early 1990s. On sex crime policy, if the new administration is serious, they should pay attention to new research showing

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Florida's 2nd DCA comments on the "difficult situation" residency restrictions created.

The following are excerpts from a 2nd DCA case that was decided today in Alvarado v. Florida. We believe it demonstrates Courts’ recognition that Sex Offender Residency Restrictions are a problem the legislature needs to address. “The dilemma facing sexual predators and offenders upon their release from prison was largely created by the legislature, albeit enhanced by county ordinances;and a

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Packingham, social media and why this is a critical case for Sex Offenders.

Lester Packingham posted something to Facebook thanking God for beating a traffic ticket. The post wasn’t offensive, didn’t threaten anyone, contained nothing inherently criminal and was probably more benign than some of the stuff our president elect posts to his own social media account, but Mr. Packingham was convicted of a crime for that post. Why? Because Packingham is a

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“Sex Offenders” and the 1st Amendment: Can Legislation Keep Sex Offenders Off Social Media?

In America, should sexual predators be given the opportunity to communicate on the Internet when it is possible they may message our children? Sex offenders are arguing that the First Amendment shields them from being blocked from social media websites that children utilize. The Supreme Court will soon rule on whether the First Amendment, in fact, does this. In America,

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Ohio: State committee to vote on changing Sex Offender Registry

Does Ohio’s current Sex Offender registry work? That is a question the state of Ohio has seemingly answered and is now voting on implementing changes that will allow low-level, low-risk individuals to come off the list, freeing up resources for supervision of high-risk offenders who are currently falling through the cracks. Cleveland 19 News Cleveland, OH

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ACSOL: Notice of Appeal Filed in IML Case

A notice of appeal was filed [yesterday] in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. This is the first formal step required in order to appeal the dismissal of the only court challenge to the International Megan’s Law (IML). “The IML unfairly and unjustly labels hundreds of thousands of American citizens as sex tourists and sex traffickers,” stated ACSOL President Janice

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