Holiday Support Post

If the holidays, or anything you are dealing with, have you depressed, reach out. Below you are free to share, anonymously, with others who are where you are or have been where you have been and can offer help. If you are feeling down, share. If you are feeling hopeful, share. We are a community, we are a family, let’s

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4th Circuit strikes down North Carolina residency/movement restrictions on sex offenders

In an important decision, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit on Wednesday struck down [Doe v. Cooper — opinion posted here] as unconstitutional under the First Amendment yet another “unconstitutional monstrosity” perpetrated by the North Carolina legislature in its unceasing efforts to make life as miserable as humanly possible for previously convicted (but now ostensibly “free”) sex

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The Dobbs Wire: Federal appeals court WIN in North Carolina case

A win in North Carolina!  Yesterday a federal appeals court turned thumbs down on major parts of a North Carolina law which set up banishment zones for registrants, areas where individuals on the NC sex offense registry cannot visit or even pass through, under threat of felony prosecution and prison time.  According to the court’s ruling, North Carolina failed to

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OH: Proposal would Lessen Penalties for Some Sex Offenders

BEAVERCREEK Having sex with his now wife and the mother of his three children when she was a 14-year-old high school freshman earned Josh Strader a label he’s found impossible to shake: Tier II sex offender. Now Strader, and countless others throughout Ohio, may get a break. Proposed changes to Ohio’s sex offender registry would give judges more discretion on

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Update on RTAG Trip to Washington DC

The following were notes from Registrant Travel Action Group (RTAG – trip to Washington, D.C.   On November 14th,  traveled to DC with the following objectives:   Meet with congressional staff representatives on the foreign services and judicairy committees to present a white paper and initial results of registrant travel experiences subsequent to the establishment of the Angel Watch

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