More Changes to Come in PA

News About Sex Offender Registries The state Superior Court has handed down a ruling that put an immediate halt to all court proceedings related to defendants facing sexually violent predator designations. As the second ruling within several months to call the state’s current sexual offender statute into question, District Attorney John T. Adams said that it’s time to start fresh.”What

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FAC Letter to Miami-Dade Commission and CALL TO ACTION

In anticipation of tomorrow’s meeting, the Florida Action Committee has sent a letter to the Miami-Dade County Commissioners. The Commission is considering cutting out a safeguard that helped prevent homeless from winding up in jail, rather than a homeless shelter, as it applies to registrants. The letter is below: Letter To M-D County Commissioners 11022017 If you want to contact

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VIGILANTISM: Arsonist burns down accused child molesters Pasco County home

PASCO COUNTY (FOX 13) – The home of a Pasco County man accused of molesting a 7-year-old girl caught fire Thursday morning, and investigators say arson is to blame. “I’m happy it’s gone. I don’t have to worry about my mother now,” said neighbor Sharon Smith about the home.   “What wasn’t going on? Stolen merchandise, drugs, and all the sexual

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Miami Herald: Code of silence is breaking on Tallahassee’s sex secrets

TALLAHASSEE. For decades, sex has been a tool and a toy for the politically powerful in the male-dominated world of politics in Florida’s capital. Now it’s a weapon. Allegations of sexual assault, sexual harassment and infidelity among the state’s legislators flew like shrapnel from a bomb blast in recent weeks, destroying much of the trust left in the Republican-controlled Legislature

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Fayetteville police captain charged with felonies involving sex offender husband

News About Sex Offenders A Fayetteville police captain was charged Thursday with three felony counts of failing to notify law enforcement that her husband, a registered sex offender, attended events that were banned to him under state law. Arrest warrants show that Capt. Tracey Bass-Caine is accused of failing to report that William Augurson Jr. attended three prohibited events since

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Passport marking a throw-back to Nazi Germany.

News About Sex Offender Registries In the days of the Third Reich, the Nazis stamped the passports of Jews with a conspicuous “J”. The “Judenstempel” (Jew Stamp), was used by the Nazi German authorities identify those of the Jewish faith. Through the identifier, German Jews could be identified immediately at border crossings. Depending on the entry requirements of the destination

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Miami-Dade sets up to arrest homeless sex offenders by amending ordinance.

Miami-Dade county is considering amending Section 21-286 of the County Code – prohibiting overnight camping, eliminating a safeguard to protect against arrest, when applied to registered sex offenders or predators. Currently, the County Code prevents overnight camping on County property. If an individual does not leave the property, they will be arrested for trespassing. However, the Code also provides that

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Feds Cut Budget for Halfway Houses

Although not directly related to a sex offender issue, of interest to anyone with a loved one incarcerated in the Federal Bureau of Prisons; the Feds announced they have cut significantly from the budget – ending contracts with 16 facilities since the new administration has come into power. Halfway houses have provided a valuable step-down program to help people re-enter

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