Legal action sways council in sex offender housing decision

Fullerton City Council unanimously voted to repeal a municipal code that imposed housing restrictions on child sex offenders. “I took an oath to uphold the constitution of both the United States of America and the state of California. It’s clear to me, the way we have written this ordinance, it is unconstitutional, and in keeping with that oath, I have

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Florida Senator Baxley Proposes New Internet Identifier Bill

To combat the order from the Northern District of Florida, Enjoining the enforcement of the 2014 amendments to the registration laws as they relate to “Internet Identifiers”, Florida Senator Baxley has sponsored a new internet identifier bill, which can be read here: FAC is considering its position on this bill and will advise shortly.

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MN: Sex offenders renew legal challenge

MINNEAPOLIS — Lawyers for over 700 people committed indefinitely to the Minnesota Sex Offender Program are asking the full 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to reconsider a three-judge panel’s ruling that the program is constitutional. The appeals panel last month reversed a lower court’s ruling that the program violates offenders’ rights because hardly anyone is ever released. Attorneys in

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NC Sex Offender Lawsuit Getting Lots of Media Attention

North Carolina Registrants have filed an Ex Post Facto lawsuit against the State challenging the enhanced punishments imposed on its citizens AFTER their offenses were committed. It’s a challenge that has WON in Michigan, even at the Federal appellate level and it is a challenge that we in Florida are currently raising funds to bring in our State.

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