The Dobbs Wire: SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE convinces a federal appeals court

Just published:  A new article by legal scholar Melissa Hamilton spotlights the key role of *scientific evidence* in a ground-breaking 2016 federal appeals court decision known as Doe v. Snyder—and how that holding is already impacting other challenges to draconian sex offense laws. The court’s ruling created much excitement and was heralded by the Washington Post:  Court says Michigan sex

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Task force would seek to remake Florida’s criminal justice system

Florida’s state lawmakers increasingly are embracing criminal justice reform policies that break with the state’s “tough on crime” past Last year, Gov. Rick Scott, a Republican, and the GOP-controlled legislature approved one of the most far-reaching civil asset forfeiture reforms in the country, repealed a 10-20-life mandatory minimum sentencing law, and expanded health care delivery for mentally ill inmates. Mental health

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Florida lawmakers pushing for FDLE to make convicted animal abuser registry

Oh man!!! here it comes!!! at least they have an opportunity to get off this list. _________ It’s meant to keep pets away from convicted animal abusers in the Sunshine State. If it’s passed, new legislation would require the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to create and maintain a public registry of felony animal abusers by the start of 2018,

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FINAL DAY to submit comments to the US Sentencing Commission

The U.S. Sentencing Commission is seeking public comment on proposed amendments to the federal sentencing guidelines. The deadline for public comment is February 20, 2017.  One of the proposed amendments is related to first offenders and alternatives to incarceration. The Commission plays an important role in the sentencing of individuals convicted of federal sex offenses, including possession of child pornography.  Written comments should be sent

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The Dobbs Wire: crime, justice and the media – a suprising front page story

Ohio—As a high-profile murder case is unfolding, The Columbus Dispatch ran a surprising story on the front page, “Recidivism for sex offenders low.”  Background:  Just months away from graduation a pretty college student vanished, her dead body found the next day.  Quickly the awful crime became a media sensation.  Police arrested a suspect who was charged with kidnapping, robbery, rape

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Take a guess: What percentage of convicted sex offenders will go on to commit a second sex crime? If you named any figure higher than 5 percent, social science says you’re wrong. But don’t worry, the U.S. Supreme Court doesn’t know the right answer, either. More than 100 court decisions around the country, including from the high court, have cited

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The Dobbs Wire: The War on Sex

The War on Sex, a long-awaited important collection of new essays about the unrelenting attacks on sexual civil liberties will be published March 24th.  A follow-up to the “Sex & Justice” conference in 2012, the book is a call to arms for academics and others to join the fight.  Check out the free preview which includes David Halperin’s introduction, a

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