The Washington Post: The big lie about sex offenders

Much of the destructive, extra-punishment punishment we inflict on sex offenders is due to the widely held belief that they’re more likely to re-offend than the perpetrators of other classes of crimes. This has been the main justification for the Supreme Court’s authorization of sex-offender registries and for holding sex offenders indefinitely after they’ve served their sentences. Lower courts have

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Brevard/Seminole Prosecutor Arrested on Drug Charges. What should we do?

We don’t take pleasure in other’s tragedy or believe in kicking someone when they are down, so this post should not be taken the wrong way. Given the challenges we’ve had in Seminole and Brevard Counties with their outrageous proximity ordinances, it’ll be interesting to see what becomes of one of their Assistant State Attorneys who is responsible for prosecuting

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The Dobbs Wire: The BIG LIE about ‘sex offenders’ – three takes! Balko, Feige, Skenazy

Radley Balko (Washington Post), David Feige (Slate), and Lenore Skenazy (New York Post) tackle the big lie about ‘sex offenders’ – three really smart takes!   Oral argument in Packingham v. North Carolina – links to the transcript and archived audio are at the end.   –Bill Dobbs, The Dobbs Wire   The Washington Post | March 9, 2017 The big lie

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Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws Sticks Up for Parents

Kudos to California Attorneys, Janice Bellucci and Dennis Riordan, and the Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws for sticking up for the rights of parents. The attorneys filed a lawsuit against the Ventura School District, on behalf of a parent of a second grader who is prevented from taking his child to and from school and attending her school events

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The Supreme Court’s Sex-Offender Jurisprudence Is Based on a Lie

The Supreme Court believes most sex offenders will keep committing sex crimes. The data suggests otherwise. Can the state ban sex offenders from social media? That’s the question at the heart of Packingham v. North Carolina, a case argued before the U.S. Supreme Court last week. In 2002, then–21-year-old Lester Gerard Packingham Jr. was indicted for having consensual sex with

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Suntree Hates Sex Offenders

iHeartRADIO’s Bill Mick had a segment this morning on the Suntree Community in Brevard County who is seeking to entirely banish Sex Offenders from its community. Here is the link where you can hear the broadcast: Fast Forward to about 13 minutes into the broadcast to listen to Bill Mick’s commentary on this topic.      

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The Dobbs Wire: Truth, smears and the US Supreme Court

Truth, smears and the US Supreme Court:  The most widespread belief about persons who commit sex offenses?  They will do it again.  They can’t stop.  That’s the public’s deepest fear.  Years ago the US Supreme Court just about set this idea into stone when it declared in a decision that recidivism rates were “frightening and high.”  Other courts read what

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Florida Supreme Court considers voting rights amendment

TALLAHASSEE, Florida (AP) – The Florida Supreme Court is being asked to approve the wording of a proposed amendment that could allow convicted criminals to vote. Backers of the amendment went before the high court on Monday. Justices must decide whether the amendment is misleading. Florida’s constitution bars people convicted of felonies from being able to vote after they have

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CALL TO ACTION!!! SB 1558 authored by Senator Lauren Book.

This is a horrible bill!   Child Exploitation; Revising the offenses that may be investigated and prosecuted by the Office of Statewide Prosecution; revising the types of offenses committed by a child in the custody of the Department of Children and Families which require the department to provide notice to the school superintendent; revising the type of offenses that create

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