Ms. Book goes to Tallahassee, sees no conflict voting $ for Lauren’s Kids or dad’s clients

Freshman Broward State Sen. Lauren Book says she won’t abstain from voting on matters involving clients of her father, powerful lobbyist Ron Book. Similarly, she sees no conflict of interest in voting on measures to funnel millions of taxpayer dollars to benefit her non-profit charity and political launching pad, Lauren’s Kids. … Lobbyist Ron Book, the senator’s father, is the

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The Dobbs Wire: Vermont does the registry different – a surprising end!

Like all states Vermont has a sex offense registry and there’s a website to make the information available worldwide, 24/7.   “Community notification” is the official purpose but extreme ‘naming and shaming’ a more honest take.  The typical registry website has a great deal of personal information about registrants including name, age, photo, home address, details about the offense and victim,

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Tampa police won’t enforce county ban on sex offenders living in same house

TAMPA — The presence of about 140 sexual offenders and predators in a one mile radius around V.M. Ybor has long been a worry for parents in the eclectic, mixed-income neighborhood. Drawing many of the offenders are cheap rooming houses on Nebraska Avenue where tenants sleep in bunk beds in shared rooms. Some properties have upward of 30 bunks and

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The Dobbs Wire: Cyber vice squads and neo-Puritans

The latest issue of Reason Magazine has much about sex!   Pleasure, alas, has a price.  As Katherine Mangu-Ward explains, “the legal risk of many common sexual choices is skyrocketing.”  Several essays exploring that theme are now available online.  Cyber vice squads and neo-Puritans run amok, see below.  –Bill Dobbs, The Dobbs Wire     American Sex Police With sweeping trafficking

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The Dobbs Wire: How did the stakes get this high – LWOP?

Oregon:  A man is sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for the crime of public indecency. “Getting caught masturbating on a MAX train,” the local mass transit system.  How did the stakes get this high?  There are some prior convictions, but no dead bodies, and there’s a “mental health disorder.”  Life in prison without parole (LWOP)

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Florida Appellate Courts Bound by Shelley Case (Double Jeopardy)

Last week Florida’s 1st District Court of Appeals issued an order in Santiago-Morales v Florida that acknowledged it was bound by the precedent decision in State v. Shelley, 176 So. 3d 914, 916 (Fla. 2015), which held that double-jeopardy principles prohibit separate convictions based upon the same conduct. In other words; if you were charged with soliciting a minor over

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