No Voting for Sex Offenders or Murderers Says Florida

Florida’s state Supreme Court on Thursday approved language for a proposed amendment to the state Constitution that would restore voting rights to felons after they complete their sentences. If the measure makes it on the ballot and receives a 60% favorable vote, the voting rights of Felons in Florida could be restored upon completion of their sentence. Unfortunately, the rights

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Sex offender residency laws: There are no easy answers: Editorial

If you read the following editorial as being sympathetic toward sex offenders, you are missing the point. We are not being sympathetic. We simply want to state that it’s not always possible to legislate our way to safety. Dawn Knull wants a change in state law that would prohibit any convicted sex offender classified as a “sexually violent predator” from

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11th Circuit DENIES Miami-Dade’s Motion for Rehearing!!!

The order has finally come back from the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals and they have DENIED Miami-Dade County’s request for a rehearing! This is great news, it means that our Sex Offender Residency Restriction (SORR) challenge in Miami-Dade County can now proceed, it means that the 11th Circuit is finding, consistently with other federal circuits across the country, that

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The Dobbs Wire: WIN in Wisconsin – federal judge strikes down banishment law

Win in Wisconsin:  A federal judge struck down a Pleasant Prairie ordinance restricting where individuals forced to sign the sex offense registry can live, ruling the ordinance unconstitutional.  Laws like this are euphemistically known as ‘residency restrictions,’ but their purpose is banishment.  Officials in Pleasant Prairie, short on humanity, had made just about the entire town off-limits, loosening the law

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2nd Circuit Declares CP Sentence Unreasonable

In Jenkins (attached), the Second Circuit reversed as substantively unreasonable a within-guideline sentence of 225 months (plus 25 years of supervised release) in a child pornography case in which the defendant was convicted of possession and transportation, and the stat max was 240 months.  Relying on Dorvee, along with the Commission’s later 2012 child pornography report and recent statistics, the panel

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Pinellas: diversion program working (but no sex offenders allowed)

The Pinellas County Sheriff is touting the success of a diversion program that allows low-level offenses to be diverted to a program that offers community service, treatment and fines to serve as the sanction for certain offenses. However, the program is not open to registered sex offenders (even if the instant offense is not the sex offense). Why? Anyone care

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