Pam Bondi on Sunshine exemption sealing criminal records: What about sex offenders?

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi says she’s “concerned” about a new exemption to the state’s Sunshine Law, which would virtually eliminate Floridians’ access to millions of criminal and arrest records. Approved unanimously by lawmakers last month, SB 118 would require clerks to seal more than 2.7 million criminal records and hundreds of thousands of arrest records for individuals who were found not

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Lawsuit over Idaho’s sex-offender registry laws expands to 134 plaintiffs

A lawsuit filed last year by 104 sex offenders challenging Idaho’s laws that require registration and community notification of sex offenders has been expanded to 134 sex offenders. They say the laws violate an array of constitutional rights, from the prohibition on double jeopardy to freedom of religion. Twin Falls attorney Greg Fuller filed an amended complaint April 27 in

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Missouri to remove hundreds of GPS monitoring devices recently put on sex offenders

ST. LOUIS • Hundreds of sex offenders will soon have GPS monitoring devices removed from their ankles after Missouri officials recently required that they wear the bulky devices, according to a preliminary injunction filed in Cole County Circuit Court on Monday. “We are hoping to have a permanent injunction,” said Clayton-based attorney Matt Fry, who is suing the state on

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Minnesota registrants take fight over civil commitment to the Supreme Court

On Friday, a group of Minnesota sex offenders who are civilly committed (confined indefinitely in prison-like treatment centers after they have already completed their criminal sentences) filed a petition to have their case heard by the Supreme Court of the United States. In 2015, a U.S. District Court Judge declared parts of the civil commitment law unconstitutional, but that decision

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Secret Service officer who sexted with minors gets 20 years in prison

A Secret Service officer assigned to the White House was sentenced to 20 years in prison Thursday for sexting with minors and sending several underage girls sexually explicit images. Lee Robert Moore, of Church Hill, Maryland, must also register as a sex offender and will be on supervised release for the remainder of his life, the Justice Department announced. Moore,

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14-year-old facing life as sex offender for consensual sex with his 12-year-old girlfriend

This story out of Texas, reports that a 14-year-old junior high student is facing the possibility of life as a registered sex offender after being arrested for having sex with his 12-year-old girlfriend. He’s a seventh grader, she’s a sixth grader. They are boyfriend-girlfriend. The sex was consensual. The State of Texas does have a “Romeo and Juliet” exemption, but

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