Brandon, FL Middle school students facing felony child pornography charges

Deputies in Florida put the cuffs on two boys and two girls on Friday. All four are facing various child pornography charges. Corporal Larry McKinnon explains a 12-year-old boy took video of a juvenile victim performing a sex act on him.  That defendant then shared the video with a 14-year-old boy who posted it on Instagram.  Two other 12-year-old girls also

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Cross Operating a Food Truck Off List of Job Prospects for Registrants in Stamford

The City of Stamford Connecticut is proposing some rules for the operation of a food truck. The new rule “would disqualify anyone convicted of felony theft or assault in the last five years or who is a registered sex offender”. Notice how the other felonies expire, but the “registered sex offender” restriction endures for life. Commit an armed robbery 6

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CA: Sex offenders will not be banned without exception from school grounds after state bill is shelved

The state Senate Appropriations Committee on Thursday shelved a bill that would have banned all registered sex offenders from school campuses without exception. Senate Bill 26 by Sen. Connie M. Leyva (D-Chino) would have made it a misdemeanor for a registered sex offender to enter any school building or grounds without lawful business. SOURCE

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Critics question potential conflict of interest in multi million Colorado polygraph program

DENVER — It’s a question that scares many people to consider: what’s going on in the mind of a sex offender? Hoping to get a glimpse inside those minds, the state of Colorado mandates polygraph examinations, sometimes known as lie detector tests, for sex offenders as part of their treatment. During polygraphs, offenders are asked about their criminal pasts and

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16-Year-Old Commits Suicide After School Cop Threatens Him with Child Porn Charges

It took school and police officials just a few minutes to extinguish 16-year-old Corey Walgren’s promising future. All they did was utter two words: child pornography. Corey, a junior at Naperville North High School in Naperville, Illinois, was a perfectly normal, social, good-looking 16-year-old. He was an honor roll student with dreams of attending a Big Ten college. He had

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