Using ethics loophole, Sen. Lauren Book votes to give her nonprofit $1.5 million

Broward State Sen. Lauren Book voted “yes” last month to approve a state appropriations bill that included $1.5 million for Lauren’s Kids, the nonprofit she founded and leads as its $135,000-a-year chief executive officer. A gaping loophole in Florida Senate ethics rules allowed Book to cast her vote despite her apparent conflict of interest. The same loophole also meant she

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New Florida Internet Identifier Law Approved by Governor

Florida House Bill 699, which “[r]evises definition of term “Internet identifier”; defines “social Internet communication”; requires sexual predators & sexual offenders to register each Internet identifier’s corresponding website homepage or application software name with FDLE through sheriff’s office; requires sexual predators & sexual offenders to report any change to certain information after initial in-person registration in specified manner.” was approved

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The Dobbs Wire: Supreme Court WIN!!!

A U.S. Supreme Court win!  In a unanimous ruling the court struck down North Carolina’s law banning registrants from social media as unconstitutional; individuals on the sex offense registry have First Amendment rights.  The North Carolina law makes it a felony for registrants to simply “access” social media sites that allow under-18-year-olds to post such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn—which means

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Member Submission RE: Washington Post Fact Check

[T]he Washington Post did a Three Pinocchio award on Justice Alito’s misleading claim [that registrants have a high rate of recidivism] With the Post being such a respected newspaper I suggest a call to arms to email them congratulating on unbiased reporting!! We are always asked to write to person opposed to us and that is a very important, albeit frustrating task. I am sure

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Attorneys file notice of supplemental authority in Florida internet identifier case.

The Florida Justice Institute and Weitzner & Jonas, attorneys for registrants on the Florida Sex Offender registry challenging a requirement that they register their “internet identifiers” and the websites they use them, regardless of whether they are on probation or not, have filed a “Notice of Supplemental Authority”, informing the Court of the recently decided US Supreme Court decision in

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California lawmakers approve proposal to end lifetime registry

It’s a debate engulfed with concern and emotion in California, as a number of criminal justice leaders and lawmakers – including Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey – work to revamp the state’s sex offender registry system. As it stands, more than 105,000 people are listed as sex offenders in California; however, the state Senate recently approved a proposal

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