Canada blocks extradition of accused sex offender because of civil commitment

Nova Scotia’s highest court is ordering Canada’s justice minister to take another look at her decision to allow the extradition of a Nova Scotia man accused of sex crimes in Minnesota. Robert Charles Carroll is facing charges involving a teenage girl he knew when he lived in Minnesota from 1998 to 2008. The girl alleges Carroll abused her from 2003,

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Some argue putting label on sex offenders has little public benefit.

Two decades after Ohio began labeling sex offenders on a public database and setting restrictions on where they can live, a major overhaul to the law is being proposed that could drop thousands of lower-level offenders off the list Some critics are even calling for doing away with the registry entirely, saying it’s been an expensive effort with little benefit

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The Dobbs Wire – Iowa WIN – federal lawsuit stops out-of-control prosecutor

From Marion County, Iowa arrives a dispatch from this country’s endless war on sexual civil liberties.  Ed Bull, the county prosecutor, drew national notoriety for threatening to charge a 14-year-old girl with sexual exploitation of a minor—herself—for selfies she sent to a boy.  Possible penalties included a spot on the sex offense registry, prison time, and reportedly even removal from

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Amended Complaint Filed in Florida Internet Identifier Challenge

On Tuesday, July 11, 2017, an amended complaint was filed in the legal challenge to Florida’s “Internet Identifier” registration requirements that is pending in Federal Court in the Northern District of Florida. The original complaint was filed to challenge the 2014 and 2016 versions of this law. The Judge granted an injunction, blocking the implementation of the 2016 version, days

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CA: Tiered Registry Bill Passed by Assembly Committee

The Tiered Registry Bill (Senate Bill 421) was passed today by the Assembly’s Public Safety Committee. The final vote on the bill was 5 in favor (Chairman Jones Sawyer as well as committee members Rubio, Quirk, Santiago and Gonzalez-Fletcher), one opposed (Lackey) and one who did not vote (Flora). During deliberations on the bill, the bill’s author (Senator Scott Wiener)

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DOJ urges SCOTUS not to review Sixth Circuit panel decision finding retroactive application of Michigan sex offender law unconstitutional

A Sixth Circuit panel concluded in Does v. Snyder, No. 15-1536 (6th Cir. Aug. 25, 2016), that Michigan’s amendments to its Sex Offender Registration Act (SORA) “imposes punishment” and thus the state violates the US Constitution when applying these SORA provisions retroactively.  Michigan  appealed this decision to the US Supreme Court, and SCOTUS in March asked for the US Acting Solicitor General to express its

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