Public Health and Safety Complaint Lodged Against Forced Homeless Encampment

FAC has reported a public health and safety concern to the Broward and Miami-Dade County Health Departments, the Florida Department of Health, the US Department of Health and Human Services and OSHA. The letter, which can be read below, seeks to end the practice of forcing thousands of individuals who are labeled sex offenders to to live like animals in

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Hundreds of Miami Sex Offenders Live in a Squalid Tent City Near Hialeah

Cradling a heavy box of Budweiser against his flour-dusted apron, Mario Medina clicks open the door and greets two waitresses behind the counter at La Cascada, a retro Cuban pizza parlor in Northwest Miami-Dade. Besides the voice of a sports commentator on the TV and sporadic blips from arcade games in the back, the restaurant is quiet, and all five

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San Diego SUED for not repealing SORR

And we called it perfectly! Last week when the city of San Diego refused to repeal their Sex Offender Residence Restriction, we presumed that Attorney Janice Bellucci would be printing off a complaint within minutes… and she was. Yesterday, she filed a lawsuit in Federal Court against the City challenging the constitutionality of the SORR. The State Supreme Court had

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Life as a Registered Sex Offender: What Is It Really Like?

Not long ago, I wrote a pair of research-based articles for Psychology Today, one discussing the different categories of sexual offending and the likelihood of recidivism, another on the way sex offenders are dealt with by the legal system. At the same time, I published a longer article on sexual offending for the Sex Offender Law Report. Taken together, these

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Landlord to sex offenders in Ware, on registry himself, says safe home cuts risk

The following are excerpts from an article which can be found here. Many of the 23 registered Level 3 sex offenders who live in Ware rent from another Level 3 sex offender who owns several properties and plans to provide a home for other offenders who need help. Upon release, many registered sex offenders say they have a difficult time

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Court challenge to juvenile sex offender registration laws fails

Juveniles who are convicted of a sex crime in California and are sentenced to state custody can be required to register with police as sex offenders for life, a state appeals court ruled Wednesday. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the death penalty and mandatory life sentencing laws cannot be applied to juveniles because of their lesser mental and

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NY: Homeless Sex Offender Killed by 1980’s Rapper The Kidd Creole

Homelessness has many risks from disease susceptibility to risk of violence, but the killing of a homeless sex offender by former Rap star and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee, The Kidd Creole (of Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five) will hopefully bring some more attention to the punitive component of legislated homelessness. The report came out in NBC

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San Diego Asking for a Lawsuit

Yesterday, the city of San Diego, CA city Council decided yesterday to not rescind a residency restriction ordinance, despite the fact that the California Supreme Court already ruled a similar state law unconstitutional and the fact that more than 40 municipalities in the state have been sued (and lost or settled). We imagine Janice Bellucci is loading the paper in

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