Another program that excludes certain subgroups

The Reading Eagle, a newspaper in Reading, Pennsylvania, recently published a seemingly positive editorial on how Reading is helping residents of correctional institutions transition to a successful life of freedom, thereby benefiting “us all”. “In these divisive times, there is one area where people of all political persuasions should agree: People exiting the criminal justice system need opportunities to succeed.” 

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Sheriff Grady Judd says tech companies are not doing enough to take down CP

In the fall of 2019, The New York Times reported a record 45 million online photos and videos of CP, with the problem growing exponentially. Since the Times article came out, some police departments have spent money trying to update their technology departments in hopes of curbing the problem, but it has not been effective.  The problem is growing worse. 

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When court cases rely only on “he said, she said”

In some cases, prosecutors are only able to incarcerate someone for committing a heinous act through the testimony of witnesses.  But courts need to tread carefully through such convictions as there are too many known cases of false accusations sending an innocent person to prison. Several years ago, five female high school students falsely accused a male lifeguard of sexual

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Kudos to Tampa police chief in sharing the research

Because of the state’s 1,000-foot residency restrictions, many registrants are forced into a clustered form of living, which is often not by choice.  What does this accomplish?  Nothing, but there are numerous collateral consequences for the registrant, their family, and for society. Tampa Police Chief Delgado understands the problem: “The cause of multiple ‘sex offenders’ residing at one location around

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Tennessee registry gets online overhaul of data

The overhauled registry in Tennessee was launched this week, posting where registrants work along with their driver’s license number.  We are told that people convicted of a sexual offense “have a reduced expectation of privacy because of the public’s interest in public safety.” If the Tennessee General Assembly and the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation really cared about public safety, they

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The Hidden Curriculum

Many FAC members are learning to enjoy Don’s gifted writing skills.  He recently gave us “Support the ‘Elks’ (my favorite team)”, along with other Member Submissions. We are blessed to have another one of Don’s articles, “The Hidden Curriculum”, to share with our membership.  It was originally published at the NARSOL website. By Don . . . The registry has

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“Sex Offenders”: Fear vs. Fact on Halloween

Derek W. Logue continues to educate the public. Derek says, “Media fearmongering over “Registered Sex Offenders” in the community has become an annual Halloween tradition in the same way as razor blades and poison in candy.” Unfortunately, Floridians are living in one of only five states that have passed laws prohibiting people with a past sex offense from participating in

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FDLE misleads parents into thinking that the FDLE mobile app will keep their children safe on Halloween

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement is encouraging parents to download the FDLE app that tracks people on the sex offense registry so that the parents will know where it is “safe” to take their children trick-or-treating. We are increasingly becoming a society where truth is no longer important, and people do not want to hear the truth.  How much

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