Former Detroit City Council president just before prison release: ‘What I did was wrong’

In searching for stories to post, I sometimes find the articles depressing, particularly the ones that discuss the offense or have negative comments.  This particular story shows that we can have hope,though, even in the direst of situations.  For me personally, I am thankful for “the days of small things”, as those small things, when all put together, can add

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ACTION NEEDED: There are some discrepancies in the Colorado Springs Gazette editorial board’s comments

Derek Logue recently pointed out that Colorado’s SOMB’s changing of the term “sex offender” to “adults who commit sexual offenses” only makes it sound as though that is what people with a past sex offense do:  continue to commit sex offenses.   Research shows this is false.  That is why it is so surprising to me that the Colorado Springs Gazette

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Alachua County is doing it the right way: Guaranteed income for some formerly incarcerated people, with no excluded groups

The Alligator at the University of Florida recently printed an article on a new program in Alachua County called Just Income GNV.  “This privately funded program, designed by formerly incarcerated individuals, assists formerly incarcerated people re-enter society with a guaranteed income.” Just Income GNV is still in the application process, which ends Dec. 1.  A group of 115 people will

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Veterans in prisons

The Bureau of Justice Statistics released in March of 2021 a report on the number of veterans in prisons using data from 2016. The 2016 BJS report shows in Table 3 that male veterans who were incarcerated for a violent sexual offense made up 26.4% of male veterans in state prisons and 7.2% of male veterans in federal prisons.  Male

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