BACKGROUND CS/SB 512: Vacation Rentals GENERAL BILL by Community Affairs; Burgess Effective Date: Except as otherwise expressly provided in this act, this act shall take effect upon becoming a law Last Action: 2/4/2022 Senate – Now in Appropriations CS/HB 325: Vacation Rentals GENERAL BILL by Regulatory Reform Subcommittee; Fischer; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Morales Effective Date: upon becoming a law Last Action: 2/1/2022 House – Now in Ways & Means Committee Both

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Member Submission by Don: Fearless Group, Martin Luther King, 2022

The theme of this week’s Fearless group was, “What can we learn from the civil rights movement, as well as from one another?” As a group we brainstormed possible answers to those questions. We offered our experiences as part of the quest for answers. We recognized we are a diverse group; we represent different ethnic and racial backgrounds. And that

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UPDATED: Call to Action: Suggested guidelines for contacting the Florida Safety & Justice Task Force

For those people who have asked for guidelines on what to send to the members of the newly appointed Florida Safety & Justice Task Force, I am posting my thoughts but would also like for others to add their own ideas in the Comments’ Section along with any research that you feel these members should be aware of. I will

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Call to Action, Contact Florida’s newly formed Safety & Justice Task Force

The Safety & Justice Task Force has been formed to help bring Florida’s justice system into the 21st Century with improved public safety, fairness, and accountability. The members are: State Attorney Andrew Warren, Chair (Hillsborough County/Tampa) Public Defender Carlos Martinez (Miami-Dade County/Miami) Sheriff Walt McNeil (Leon County/Tallahassee) Marcia Brown, Executive Director, Teen Leaders of America (Duval County/Jacksonville) Asha Terminello, MS;

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Utah state senator’s bill would amend restrictions for registrants

A Utah state senator has sponsored a bill that would allow registrants to go to places like schools and parks, if they are with an adult, and would replace the term “sex offender” with “registrant”. University of Utah law professor Paul Cassell says replacing the term “sex offender” with “registrant” would be misleading to the public, since some people might

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MORE ACTION NEEDED: Editorial — Say it out loud in Colorado — Sex Offender!

I am one who tends to defend journalists and values the opinions of editorial staff members.  What I have found is that they tend to be knowledgeable about a topic before writing on it.  So, what on earth is happening with the Colorado Springs Gazette? Oncefallendotcom and FAC have commented.  We need more people to comment on this absurd opinion

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