District Court’s Ruling against Tennessee’s Violation of Ex Post Laws is Good News for Florida’s Registrants

(Weekly Update #181) Dear Members and Advocates, Last week our registered community received some good news. A Tennessee District Court found their State’s registry to be punishment and violative of the constitutional prohibition on Ex Post Laws. While relying on the 6th Circuit Court of Appeal’s Does v. Snyder as precedent, Judge Aleta Trauger of Tennessee’s Middle District held that,

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Maslow’s Hierarchy and Live on the Sex Offender Registry

(Weekly Update #175) Dear Members and Advocates, Are you familiar with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Basic Needs?   It is a theory by Abraham Maslow, which puts forward that people are motivated by five basic categories of needs: physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization. Survival and successes are difficult enough when our basic human needs are being met.  But as many have

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Misconceptions about the Sex Offender Registry & a Timeline of Laws Added without Evidence to Support them

  (Weekly Update #174) Dear Members and Advocates, There are many misconceptions about the sex offense registry.  One would be hard pressed to find a Florida legislator who is familiar with all of the statutes and ordinances that pertain to people in our state who are forced to register. I have found that most people are shocked when they learn

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SORN policies have had NO effect on recidivism

(Weekly Update #173) Due to technical error, the 10-5-2021 Weekly Update was not delivered to all FAC members.  This is a re-transmission of the 10-5-2021 Weekly Update Dear Members and Advocates, We learned this past week that the first-of-its-kind meta-analysis study on evaluating the effects of SORN on recidivism showed that SORN policies have had NO effect on recidivism. Any

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On NOT Letting Fear Dictate Policy-making Decisions

(Weekly Update #171) Dear Members and Advocates, We read in articles so often that parents are horrified that someone with a past sex offense could be living close by.  When such fear takes over, rational thinking stops. Florida’s newly appointed Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo stated in a news conference this past week that Floridians need to reject fears as

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FAC’s President Gail Colletta’s Input to OPPAGA’s 3-Year Report

(Weekly Update #170) Dear Members and Advocates, Gail Colletta, our FAC President, participated in an interview with the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability (OPPAGA), the research arm of the Florida Legislature.  OPPAGA supports the Florida Legislature by providing data, evaluative research and objective analysis that assist legislative budget and policy deliberations. The agency meets every three years to

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Residency Checks Wasting Taxpayer funds – Investigations in Search of a Crime

(Weekly Update #169) Dear Members and Advocates, One of our members recently shared a quote with us that sends a powerful message to those forced to register:  An investigation in search of a crime.  For many people, there was initially a real crime that was committed; but after completing their sentence, they are now law-abiding citizens.  In fact, I know

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