Abolish the Florida Sex Offender Registry

(Weekly Update #235) Dear Members and Advocates, One month ago, we made an announcement that we thought was radical. We announced that the Florida Action Committee was modifying our position to clearly and unambiguously state that we seek to abolish the registry. No more “advocates for reform” no suggestion of “baby steps” or “chipping away”, no coddling the audience. Only:

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Gainesville Sex Offender Residency Restriction

(Weekly Update #234 ) Dear Members and Advocates: This past week, the [President of the United States], recognizing the massive failure of a long standing policy and the draconian unintended collateral consequences it has caused, took measures to roll back [marijuana possession laws]. This move comes in the wake of years of research proving that the original policies were largely

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Teachers more likely to sexually abuse a child than a registered sex offender

(Weekly Update #229) Dear Members and Advocates, Over the last couple of weeks we’ve posted about several teachers, coaches and law enforcement personnel who have gotten arrested for a sexual offense. We don’t share these stories to shame the perpetrators – the justice system is here to punish them appropriately. We certainly don’t share the stories to normalize the crimes

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State courts that declared the sex offender registry unconstitutional

(Weekly Update #225) Dear Members and Advocates, I have to keep reminding myself that “haters gonna hate” and I need to keep plugging ahead. What I’m talking about are the negative comments that keep popping up in our forum, even when we announce great news! The sad thing is that the negative comments are not coming from vigilantes or pro-registy

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Share your experience with the Sex Offender Registry

  (Weekly Update #223) Dear Members and Advocates, For those of you who receive these weekly updates and read them, thank you. Writing these weekly updates and contributing content to the Florida Action Committee is an opportunity to share news and updates with the FAC community and inform our members of new legislation that is being considered, or old legislation

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