Legislative Updates on Florida’s Sex Offender Laws

Weekly Update 2017-04-27 Dear Members and Advocates, This week the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals granted the homeless registrants another round of relief in denying Miami-Dade County’s request for a rehearing. The Order, which came out last week, offered little more than what we were hoping for; the words ‘Denied’, which means our challenge to the Miami-Dade County residency restriction

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Call to Action on Florida’s Legislation on Sex Offender Laws

Weekly Update 2017-04-18 Dear Members and Advocates, It’s crunch time! We are coming to the end of legislative session and we are busy organizing and advocating. We need your help in calling on the legislators to OPPOSE the proposed Internet Identifier bills, specifically SB 684. This bill attempts to clarify the Internet Identifier statute which passed last year requiring all

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William Dobbs & Robert Longo on Sex Offense crimes

Weekly Update 2014-04-04 Dear Members and Advocates, This Thursday, please don’t forget to join our Monthly member call, where our guest speakers will be reporter Joshua Vaughn of Cumberlink.com and William Dobbs of The Dobbs Wire. Josh Vaughn interviewed Therapist Robert Longo, the source of the “frightening and high” statistic, for an article Josh wrote about the misinterpretation and misuse

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The Overwhelming & Punitive Nature of the Sex Offender Registry

Weekly Update 2017-03-28 Dear Members and Advocates, Yesterday, the Supreme Court of the United States entered an interesting order. Instead of ruling on whether to consider the case of Does v. Snyder (the Michigan case that ruled the registry punitive) they asked the Solicitor General of the United States to chime in. Their order literally invited the Solicitor General to

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“The Untouchables” Film Highlights Inhumane treatment of Sex Offenders in Miami-Dade Florida

Weekly Update 2017-03-14 Dear Members and Advocates, If you are in Miami-Dade, Broward, Monroe or Palm Beach Counties, we encourage you to come out to the special screening of the film, “Untouchable” that will be taking place tonight, at 7:30PM, at the corner of Northwest 71st Street and 36th Court, in Miami. The event will be important for a number

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Sex Offender Legislation Proposed for 2017 in Florida

Weekly Update 2017-03-07 Dear Members and Advocates, Today, March 7, 2017 marks the beginning of the legislative session in Tallahassee. The session is a 60-day period where the Florida Senate and the House of Representatives, our elected representatives in government, hear, consider and vote on Bills that were introduced. As we expected, Lauren Book (the daughter of Lobbyist, Ron Book),

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Upcoming Proposed Florida Sex Offender Legislation

Weekly Update 2017-02-21 Dear Members and Advocates, Things are happening in Tallahassee. It’s that time of year, where bills are introduced, they are kicked around in legislative committees and we need to be contacting our senators and representatives letting them know how we feel about them. There are some bills that are good and some that are bad. Here’s our

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Emotion, not Logic, drives Sex Offense Law Naming

Weekly Update 2017-02-14 Dear Members and Advocates, Megan, Jessica, Adam… all child victims of sexual abuse and murder whose names have now been turned into legacy through laws designed to punish sex offenders.   The actual killers of these children are now dead or serving a life sentence. The irony is they will never be subjected to the punitive laws created

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