Humane and Inhumane Treatment of Sex Offenders during Natural Disasters in Florida

Weekly Update 2017-09-12 Dear Members and Advocates, It’s difficult to compose a professional member communication when I am so angry and frustrated. This week we saw some of the most heinous examples of hatred and inhumanity this writer has experienced in the more-than-decade I have been dealing with this registry. In the face of a natural disaster that was reported

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National Sex Offender Legislation Updates and a Hurricane

Weekly Update 2017-09-05 Dear Members and Advocates, There is a lot to update this week, so we will get right to it… Two MAJOR decisions came out within the past week. In Colorado, a federal Judge not only declared the Colorado Sex Offender Registration Act unconstitutional, but went much further and declared it was “Cruel and Unusual Punishment”.  In Indiana,

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FAC Call to Action Against Miami-Dade county’s 2500 ft Sex Offender Residency Restriction

Weekly Update 2017-08-29 Dear Members and Advocates, We begin this week with an important CALL TO ACTION. We are encouraging all members to make their voices heard by contacting the County Commissioners in Miami-Dade County and encouraging them to repeal the 2500-foot sex offender residency restriction, which is causing over two hundred-fifty registrants to live homeless at the corner of

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Ron Book’s Hypocrisy in ‘Helping Homeless’ Sex Offenders

Weekly Update 2017-08-22 Dear Members and Advocates, This week you get another update about Ron and Lauren Book. Well, not exactly… it’s an update on the homeless situation we’ve been reporting on, but we need to provide some history first. A dozen years ago, lobbyist Ron Book, fought for a law that established a sex offender “exclusion zone”. Essentially a

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Does being Sexually Abused Justify a Vendetta against anyone who commits a sex crime

Weekly Update 2017-08-16 Dear Members and Advocates, This week’s update covers an extremely sensitive topic. Now we know what you must be thinking… sex offender issues are always “sensitive topics”, but this topic is extra sensitive. This week we will be discussing Senator Lauren Book. For those who don’t know, Lauren Book is the daughter of lobbyist Ron Book. As

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FAC Welcomes new members and continued fight against internet identifier laws

Weekly Update 2017-08-02 Dear Members and Advocates, In this week’s update, we welcome nearly 75 new members to the Florida Action Committee. A recent membership drive has brought more people to our family and extended our reach into some of the more under-served areas of our State. It is our hope, by continuing to grow and expand, that we become

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Shameful treatment of homeless by Miami-Dade County, Florida

Weekly Update 2017-07-26 Dear Members and Advocates, Yesterday, almost every media outlet in South Florida featured a story on a round up of homeless sex offenders in Ft. Lauderdale. The big news is that after a multi-week, multi-agency operation dubbed “Not Here Not There”, 22 human beings were not living on the streets where they are “supposed to be”. It’s

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SCOTUS Legislation Update on Sex Offender Cases

Weekly Update 2017-07-19 Dear Members and Advocates, When a court decision is entered, it’s sometimes hard to predict how far-reaching its impact will extend. Case in point; the Supreme Court’s decision in Packingham, which ruled that a State can’t block registrants from social media. As an organization that advocates for registrants and one that happens to be involved in an

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The Unconstitutionality of Internet Identifier Laws for Sex Offenders

Weekly Update 2017-07-12 Dear Members and Advocates, Many of you have been asking “what’s being done” about the newly enacted “Internet Identifier” law that went into effect two weeks ago. We appreciate everyone’s patience as those involved worked feverishly to prepare a response to the new law instead of answering everyone’s questions. We are now able to announce that yesterday,

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