The “Stigma-ad-infinitum” that follows accusations of Sexual Misconduct

Dear Members and Advocates, I’ll preface this update by reminding everyone that FAC stands strongly opposed to sexual assault of any kind. While we may object to the way offenders are dealt with by the criminal justice system and especially upon their release from that system, the underlying offenses are deserving of punishment. The #metoo movement has created a culture

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Collateral Consequences of a Sex Offender Conviction

Dear Members and Advocates, Last week, our Legal Chair of Florida Action Committee attended the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL) conference. The topic of this conference is “Shattering the Shackles of Collateral Consequences” and it focused on strategies to eliminate barriers to reentry and the enduring challenges that come along with a criminal conviction. As we know all

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Corrupt Politicians Abound Wherever Sex Offender Laws are Involved

IMPORTANT:  NEW PHONE NUMBER FOR MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP CALL EFFECTIVE 8/2/2018 – SEE BELOW. Dear Members and Advocates, A little known US Supreme Court case that was decided earlier this summer can provide useful nuggets of value in an upcoming appeal concerning the First Amendment rights of a fellow sex offender law reform advocate. More than a decade ago, an outspoken

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Sometimes Common Sense Still Prevails – Even In Sex Offender Cases

IMPORTANT:  NEW PHONE NUMBER FOR MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP CALL EFFECTIVE 8/2/2018 – SEE BELOW. Dear Members and Advocates, “Proof” is a term commonly heard inside a courtroom. You must prove your case. Which side has the ‘burden of proof’? And then to what standard must your proof meet? Is it a preponderance of the evidence? Is it beyond a reasonable doubt?

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Some States Exhibiting Good Sense around Sex Offender Laws, But Not All

IMPORTANT:  NEW PHONE NUMBER FOR MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP CALL EFFECTIVE 8/2/2018 – SEE BELOW. Dear Members and Advocates, What happens in other states has an impact on what happens here. Although a victory or new legislation in another state has no precedential value in a Florida court, it has a persuasive one. It’s generally seen as an “other states have seen

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The Unconstitutionality of International Megan’s Law for Sex Offenders

Dear Members and Advocates, Last Week, a Federal Judge in the Central District of California dismissed a challenge to the International Megan’s Law (IML). In a 17 page opinion (which can be read here), comprised of mostly history of the law, the Court found that the complaint brought by the Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws (ACSOL) should be dismissed

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