WARNING: Scams targeting persons required to register continue

WARNING: Scams targeting persons required to register continue. Weekly Update #29 Dear Members and Advocates, Scams continue to target persons required to register. Last week a member advised that her husband was the victim of a scam here in Florida. Across the country, yesterday the Santa Rosa Police department posted a warning on Twitter that a similar scam is taking

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Momentum Growing within the FAC and a Glimmer of Hope for Sex Offenders in Florida

Weekly Update #28 Dear Members and Advocates, This past weekend, the Florida Action Committee held our annual face-to-face Board of Directors meeting. Members of our board traveled from across Florida to spend most of the day together Saturday, strategizing and planning. While it’s always wonderful to sit down, in person, with the people you work so closely with, it was

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Thanks for derailing Proposed Bad Legislation in Florida for Sex Offenses

Weekly Update #26 Dear Members and Advocates, Legislative session is over and the one bill we were concerned about is dead. The last action on House Bill 987 is that it is “indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration.” This was the bill that would have required in person PRE-registration in the county where a registrant would have stayed in any

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Changes in Perspective towards Sex Offense Crimes – It’s not ”One Size Fits All” After all!

Weekly Update #25 Dear Members and Advocates, This week FAC was featured in two news outlets. First, Orlando’s WESH, aired a report on sex offenders in theme parks which featured commentary from FAC’s President, Gail Colletta (that report can be found here: https://www.wesh.com/article/sex-offenders-at-florida-theme-parks/27269367) and second, the Miami Herald printed a letter to the Editor concerning the “scandal” at The Boy

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FAC’s Thanks to all who responded to ‘Call to Action’ on Proposed Bad Legislation in FL

Weekly Update #23 Dear Members and Advocates, We want to send a special thank you to all who have responded to our Call to Action on HB 987. Feedback we are receiving from members who reached out to legislators and organizations in the hospitality industry is that several groups, not just ours, are opposed to the Bill. HB 987 would

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The ‘Social Death’ of being on the Sex Offender Registry and its Deadly Consequences

Weekly Update #22 Dear Members and Advocates, “In the early morning hours of Jan. 3, 2011, Scott covered his recliner in plastic and carefully leaned plywood against the backrest. He covered his head with a tarp, grabbed a rusty shotgun, and put the barrel under his chin. He pulled the trigger.” His mother, Linda, later explained to the local paper

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Proposed Legislation Aimed at Protecting Our Children Should be for the Right Reasons

Weekly Update #21 Dear Members and Advocates, The “Three R’s” (Reading, ‘Riting, ‘Rithmatic), which form the pillar of primary education are about to get a companion, as legislators in Florida are looking to add “human trafficking” to the PreK – 12 curriculum. House Bill 259 is making its way through this legislative session and proposes to include “human trafficking” education

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Facial Recognition Technology and the Right to Privacy

Weekly Update #19 Dear Members and Advocates, On Monday March 18, CNET, a media outlet for news on technology and consumer electronics, published an article that scared the hell out of me. The article was about the use of facial recognition in different applications. Some of the applications completely obliterate any semblance of privacy, and for persons on the registry

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