Ex Post Facto Plus challenge Moving Forward

Weekly Update #123 Dear Members and Advocates, I have been writing a similar Thanksgiving week update every year since I’ve become involved in FAC. The general theme being; there are those among us who are living on street corners, isolated from their families because of residency restrictions, curfew or simply abandonment. We need to keep these individuals in mind and

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Abolish the Sex Offender Registry, Don’t ‘Reform’ it!

Weekly Update #121 Dear Members and Advocates, A few days ago I had a conversation with a friend and fellow advocate that made me completely re-think my identity. For the longest time I’ve always considered myself an advocate for “reform” and our movement as the “registry reform movement”. Truth is, I’m not advocating to reform the registry. Unless the “reform”

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Companies Profiting off of Incarceration, Especially Sex Offenders

Weekly Update #120 Dear Members and Advocates, You probably noticed there wasn’t a weekly update last week. That was because the election was consuming the world’s attention and the news media had plenty of content to keep their readers engaged. There may have been very few “stings”, “operations” or “crackdowns” to report on, but behind the scenes there was still

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“Kicking the Can” on Sex Offender Housing versus Long-Term Housing Solutions

Weekly Update #117 Dear Members and Advocates, Last week we wrote about a few hotels in New York that are the subject of protests. Since the outbreak of Coronavirus, the city’s homeless shelters have struggled to keep their residents socially distanced to avoid outbreaks of the disease that can quickly spread in communal living situations. The ideal solution was to

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DOJ Proposed Amendments to SORNA

Weekly Update #116 Dear Members and Advocates, This week’s update has one message. If you have not left comments for the DOJ Proposed Amendments to SORNA, today is the deadline. The link where you can leave comments is: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2020/08/13/2020-15804/registration-requirements-under-the-sex-offender-registration-and-notification-act Comments are due by 11:59 PM Tuesday, 10/13/20! As of the time of this writing there are 687 public comments submitted.

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