FAC Weekly Update 2023-10-16-Ex Post Facto II Lawsuit Trial

Dear Members and Advocates, There are no words to express the drive and professionalism of your FAC Board of Directors, County Coordinators, active members and advocates that work tirelessly on behalf of all registered citizens and their affected loved ones.  Of course, none of their efforts would be possible without your help, donations, and encouragement, which is never taken for

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FAC Weekly Update 2023-10-05- Geneva and Florida Legislative Delegation Meetings

Recording #273 Dear Members and Advocates, We are just 10 days away from Geneva Switzerland!  Thanks to everyone who made a donation to the FAC General Fund last month, our President, Gail Colletta has her plane tickets, hotel accommodations and SPEECH ready to address the United Nations Human Rights Commission.  She is also scheduled for side meetings and events with

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Freedom for All People

FAC Weekly Update 2023-07-04 Dear Members and Advocates, Today we celebrate Independence Day, commonly known as the Fourth of July.  It holds significant historical and cultural importance in the United States, serving as a reminder of the country’s founding principles of liberty, equality, and self-governance. It is a day of celebration, unity, and remembrance, as Americans come together to honor

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Legal Updates

Weekly Update for 06/08/2023 Dear Members and Advocates, This Weekly Update brings more unity and change.  First, oral arguments were heard last week on the motion for summary judgement in the Ex Post Facto II case in the Northern District Court.  We have been asked by the attorneys to remain patient, as they are expecting to receive an opinion from

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FAC Weekly Update 2023-05-25-Thank Our Legislators

Weekly Update 2023-05-25 Dear Members and Advocates, This month we witnessed firsthand the power in numbers.  A momentum started that we cannot ignore as we progress toward our goal of abolishing the registry.  An important part of this movement that has begun is making sure that we acknowledge and thank the people in the Florida Legislature that stood up for

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Ex Post Facto Update with Attorney Val Jonas Tonight Thu May 4

Dear Members and Advocates, We are counting down the hours when the 60-day legislative session officially ends Friday May 5. The last few weeks have been trying times.  Since the Legislative Session began in Florida on April 4, thousands of emails, phone calls and letters have been communicated to elected officials, forcing them to hear our voices.  Responses, and often

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Valentine’s Day musings

Weekly update 02/15/23 Dear Members and Advocates, Most think of today, Valentine’s Day, as a day reserved just for couples to honor their spouses, partners and sweethearts. But for those of us without a spouse, partner or sweetheart, we celebrate this day of LOVE in other ways. We celebrate the feeling of being loved each time someone showed they cared

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