Caution Click

Florida Action Committee (FAC) is the Florida state affiliate for the National Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws (NARSOL).  FAC supports the efforts of NARSOL and other advocacy groups, such as Caution Click National Campaign for Reform (CCNCR), that share our mission. CCNCR works on a national level to promote evidence based policy reform and community management practices for non-production child

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DEBATE: Does the Sex Offender Registry Do More Harm Than Good?

On Feb 3rd, the question, “Does the Sex Offender Registry Do More Harm Than Good?” was debated by Emily Horowitz (For the Motion) and Cary Federman (Against the Motion). Emily is the author of “Protecting Our Kids? How Sex Offender Registry Laws Are Failing Us” and Professor of Sociology and Criminal Justice.  Cary is the author of  “Democracy and Deliberation: The Law

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Teamwork Makes the Dream Work in Washington DC March 5-7

Florida Action Committee (FAC) is the Florida state affiliate for the National Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws (NARSOL).  FAC supports the efforts of NARSOL and other advocacy groups that share our mission. Several FAC members have already indicated they will be attending “Teamwork Makes the Dream Work!“. to represent FAC.  If you want to connect to other FAC members

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CALL TO ACTION:  Hernando County Commissioners voted to move forward with a proposed sex offense ordinance

CALL TO ACTION:  Hernando Co. Commissioners voted to move forward with a proposed sex offense ordinance   Even though there have been no reports of new sex offenses by people on the sex offense registry in Hernando County, the Hernando County Sheriff’s Office has requested that the Hernando County Commissioners pass this proposed sex offense ordinance.  They are trying to

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Are you an older woman in a relationship with an incarcerated man?

Seeking Participants for a Research Study.  Pamela Desin is a Doctoral Candidate at the University of Kentucky pursuing a PhD in Gerontology. Her research is on the lived experiences of older women in a relationship with an incarcerated man. She is seeking to interview women that meet the following criteria: • You must be 50 years or older • You must

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Weekly Update 2022-10-03 Ref#231 – Ocala News dehumanizes people on the sex offender registry

Dear Members and Advocates, Our first order of business is a post Hurricane Ian check in. We know that many of our members live along the west coast of Florida and our thoughts and prayers are with all of you who are still suffering the after-effects of the storm. If you are in one of the effected areas, please try

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Get Involved – JOIN FAC – Meet your Local Teams

We don’t want you to miss anything! A huge THANK YOU to all of our members for your constant support and involvement.  If you need to update your contact information, or if you are NOT receiving Weekly Updates and announcements of local events, please email This post is intended for those who are visiting the Florida Action Committee (FAC)

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Weekly Update 2022-04-06 Ref#199

Dear Members and Advocates, This past week we had the opportunity to offer a free viewing period of the documentary “Untouchable” and we took it.  We planned several events around the film that supported two separate project tracks: It would encourage awareness and participation outside of FAC membership. For the public, media, and legislators we hope that by facing the

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Free Viewing of “Untouchable” – Everyone needs to see this film

In 2016, producers David Feige and Rebecca Richman Cohen released the documentary “Untouchable” and it continues to be one of the most powerful films that chronicles the origin of why we have such harsh laws today for sexual offenses. The documentary, which is described in the review below, aims to “recognize the many shades of sex crimes and seeks a better

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